A/N: An important update

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Story is NOT discontinued.

Unfortunately it might just take a bit for the next updates as it seems life is throwing all it possibly can at me right now. I also felt that I owed you all an explanation for my slow updates. Another family emergency has occurred. This doesn't mean you won't get the next chapter in the near future, just that I can't guarantee exactly when.

I truly adore all you guys and the support makes my day every single time. I also do see the regular readers and I want you guys to know you have been noticed and appreciated immensely.

I'm not trying to sound like one big excuse and I hope you guys understand and have patience. We can't always control life and what it throws at us but with the love and support from one another it might make it a bit easier. So remember to be kind in life as you never know what someone is going through.

You guys have been beyond kind to me and I promise you, I will return the second I get a chance.

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