Chapter 10 - Silent solace

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Waking up in a bed for once since I left my village feels amazing, not to mention the bed in itself is softer than any bed I've ever felt and could probably fit a dozen people.

After the late visit from Legion no one else came to my room, I suppose they know the importance of alone time, but I bet many in the castle are dying to find out more about me and I doubt Legion is one to talk. He's a man of few words afterall.

I sit up in the bed undoubtably with messy hair. My hair is always a mess but the mornings are especially bad. My hair, much like myself is simply a mess. However at least my hair can be helped with combs and pins, I'm not really sure what to do about myself.

Being here still doesn't feel real and I quickly contemplate staying hidden in this room forever to avoid any of my new titles. Technically they became mine the second I felt a string tug at my heart when I met Legion, but knowing that there's a ceremony tomorrow makes me want to go back to sleep, but alas I cannot, which I'm reminded of as someone knocks at the door.

"Good morning Your Highness, did you sleep well?"

I recognize the voice of Marisa through the door and I stretch my arms out as I answer tiredly. "I slept better than I have in days."

She chuckles lightly and opens the door. "I bet." Her eyebrows lift as she takes in my sleepy state. "Still a sleepyhead I see."

I simply shrug in response. It was a long overdue sleep, nothing could make me feel bad about it.

She clasps her hands together. "Well up you go. Today is a busy day, we have a ceremony to prepare for."

Her words send a sinking feeling to the pit of my stomach, and I feel my complexion pale in response.

"Don't look so frightened, my cousin won't bite," Marisa reassures me, as she turns towards the closet. "That is, until you want him to," she adds teasingly, hinting at the inevitable marking that comes with being mates.

"Right..." I reply awkwardly. For a brief moment, I had managed to forget about the implications of mates.

Opening the closet, Marisa immediately begins rummaging through the clothes. "I can tell you're still in your bathrobe," she remarks, glancing back at me and gesturing towards the silky rope with her head.

"Yeah, I kind of fell asleep wearing it," I confess. The truth is, after my encounter with Legion, I had felt so self-conscious that I had quickly given up on my closet rummage, as it was overwhelming and confusing and had instead hidden under the covers and eventually drifted off to sleep.

"Haven't even had breakfast yet I assume?" She questions and I shake my head in response.

"No dinner either?" She continues to question as she spots the still full tray of food from yesterday. That's when I realize I've been so caught up on all the new impressions that I hadn't even noticed how hungry I was. I shake my head again and she lifts a confused brow.

We only ate the bare necessities on our journey so it's been a while since I've even had proper food. My stomach growls on cue, begging me for some attention.

"Margaret!" Marisa yells out of nowhere and I jump a bit. The door opens within a few seconds to reveal the same woman who prepared my bath yesterday.

"Yes?" She asks eagerly.

"Can you be a dear and fetch some food for our lovely Willow." Marisa sounds polite as she addresses Margaret.

Margaret nods her head in a respectful manner and leaves the room.

I stare wide eyed at the exchange before I exit the bed, Im not used to servants. Marisa goes back to her search for clothes. I take a seat on the couch that Marisa had sat on yesterday and watch with attentive eyes, hoping that she'll find something I can wear in a hurry because I failed in that gigantic maze of a closet.

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