Chapter 15 - Ceremony

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Since arriving to Legions kingdom, I've yet to see the castle as guarded as it is today, however so open at the same time. I suppose that is the reason for the large number of guards.

The great doors to the castle are wide open today, leading a never ending stream of people from the entire kingdom inside.

These past days leading up to the ceremony, I've had constant flares of anxiety however nothing quite like the feeling I have now, standing on my balcony peering over the many people bustling to get inside the grand halls of their kings fortress.

I'm thankful that no one has spotted me looking over the crowd, they're far to busy trying to soak in as much of the castle as possible. Thankfully with a castle as big as this, I'm nothing but a mere dot in the grand scheme.

As much as I'd like to tell myself that they're just here for Legion, I know I'd be wrong. They are here for me just as much, if not more. Here to see their new queen and luna. The looming dread thickens and I sigh as I step away from the balcony, distancing myself from the tormenting reminder of my newly gained popularity.

It was just a few weeks ago I was a nobody in my village, just another face in the crowd. But now I'm faced with responsibilities I never even thought imaginable for me.

"You're pouting." Marisa points out, shooting me a disapproving glare.

"I am not... I'm simply thinking." I say in my defense, which technically isn't incorrect.

She tsks at me and directs my attention to the white ceremonial dress that she's prepared for me to put on. "Robe off." She commands.

I roll my eyes. "Yes my lady."

"You're going to take their breaths away." She turns around allowing me to losen my robe in privacy and then I step into the dress. "I'll be surprised if a few of them don't faint all together at the sight of you." She exclaims and turns back around just in time for me to hide my body away under the still loose fabric by clinging it to my chest.

"Allow me." She walks behind me, making sure not to step on the any of the white fabric, before she starts tightening the dress by pulling the laces. "The ladies did a splendid job on this dress, it fits you like a glove."

She tugs until my lungs feel constricted. "Which reminds me, we should get gloves for the outfit!" Marisas words basically trip over one another.

"Easy, I'm the one who's supposed to be stressing." I calmly state and turn around to put my hands gently on her shoulders. "And... I think I'll do without gloves, thank you."

She exhales nervously. "Of course, I'm being silly." She runs a hand through her hair looking somewhat nervous as well. "I Just want this day to be perfect, for you, for Legion, for the whole kingdom even."

I attempt to swallow a lump that's formed in my throat before facing the mirror in front of us. "Me too..." I say as I stare at my timorous reflection.


Once again I stand before the infinite doors in red only this time the room beyond them isn't empty.

"Your Highness?." One of the guards in front of the doors questions, silently asking if I'm ready to walk in.

I shake my head, not quite ready yet. The guard nods his head curtly and goes back to avoiding eye contact with me. I scan the hall in which I'm waiting, it's filled with at least ten guards. It should comfort me but it doesn't... I can't help but feel that there's a reason for the amount of security needed.

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