Chapter 9 - Unfamiliar welcome

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I'm not ready but I step forward nonetheless, my breath caught in my chest. I move slowly because I'm worried about getting spotted and and I sense Legion following behind me, seeming attentive to my every move. Nervous energy courses through me, making each step feel heavier than the last.

I'm walking ahead of everyone but right as we're about to trudge through the village I slow myself down quickly to allow Legion to pass me and hopefully walk in front of me in an attempt to go unnoticed, but instead of passing me like I had hoped, he simply walks besides me, not letting me fall behind.

"There's no hiding." He says in a low and controlled voice and I realize he's right. Some villagers have already begun to stop in their tracks upon noticing us.

As their eyes fall on Legion, their king, I witness an instant shift in their gaze. Respect and admiration fill their expressions, their faces illuminated with awe yet also a type of nervousness hides beneath the surface. It's a sight I've seen before, back in my own village when Legions presence became known. But this time, it feels different—more significant. As we pass by them they bow their head down low as a sign of respect.

Time seems to slow as the villagers' attention shifts towards me as well. Confusion and curiosity flicker in their eyes and they even pause their activities completely. It's as if the world around them has momentarily frozen, their focus solely on the stranger who stands beside their revered king.

A comforting touch brushes against my lower back, and I glance sideways to find Legion's hand resting there. The contact instantly calms me, providing a brief respite from the curious stares. Yet, the weight of their scrutiny remains a source to a newfound anxiety.

Looking around at the many speechless villagers, the realization sinks in—I am about to become the Luna and the queen of this kingdom. The thought alone is enough to make my heart quicken its pace, however something about that also doesn't feel real.

My eyes flicker around and I try to make myself seem smaller, though unsuccessfully. The villagers eyes are also flickering, they're switching between me and Legion. Some appear frozen, others in awe and there's even some who look almost horrified, and I start to wonder if perhaps it's because their king is touching some peasant girl.

I wouldn't call myself a peasant though, my mother and I lived well but compared to these people... they all look like they belong in a castle. Legions kingdom appears to be thriving which only makes all of this seem so much more intimidating. I'm truly an outsider.

I peer up at Legion to see if he is affected by the stares at all but he is simply looking straight ahead with determined eyes, not paying attention to them. The stony man is clearly used to it.

In a blink his gaze shifts and he peers back into my eyes and my breath hitches in my throat involuntary, he then gives me a reassuring nod and I avert my gaze. I can't take any more eyes at me or I fear I'll malfunction.

The villagers faces are all coated with different expression and they are all hard to read through my racing thoughts. However no matter how they look they all have one thing in common, they bow their head down when we pass. And some of the younger women in the village even courtesy while appearing slightly giggly.

They either love their king or they're really good at faking it...

The walk through the village seems never ending, it's so quiet that all I can hear is my heart, which is beating faster and harder than it should. The warmth of Legions hand is practically burning my back but also works as an anchor somehow, helping to steady me.

After what seems like forever we leave the village behind, and I take a deep breath that I hadn't realized I needed. My head feels like it's spinning and my vision is hazy.

A Deadly Bond Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang