Chapter 16 - Aftermath

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"You may leave us." Legion says to the two women who helped me navigate the halls with the huge white dress.

They nod politely excusing themselves from the room, closing the door behind them on their way out. I take a deep breath trying to settle my heart rate that only ever seems to malfunction since meeting Legion, however this time it cannot be blamed on him as the image of the eerie smile is burned on the insides of my lids.

Legion unbuttons the one button holding together his royal jacket and takes a seat on a dark blue couch. I proceed to stand out of place in the middle of the bedroom, not fully having processed the night.

"Do you wish for some alone time?" He asks after a moment of silence has passed between us.

That's the last thing I'd want right now, to be alone with my thoughts, so I shake my head probably looking more desperate than intended.

He leans in slightly now with his arms resting on his legs. "Is something the matter Willow?" There's a hint of worry in his voice, perhaps he thinks I have regrets.

I want to answer his question truthfully and explain what's really bothering me. That I don't have regrets but the smoke mixed with the far away smile spooked me. But alas I can't find a way to explain that I thought I saw a shadow that looked so recognizable it made my blood run cold. I also can't tell him that it smiled at me, or that my mind must've played a trick on me. He would think that I was going mad...

I cast out the worries from my mind and instead focus on the man in front of me. Black shiny hair slicked back with a few rouge strands over his forehead. His crown is no longer on his head, same with mine, as they were taken by the elders for safe keeping until we needed them for important matters.

His silver eyes surrounded by black lashes are locked on me as I study him, but my eyes continues to wander to his pink-tinted lips.

I'm officially his mate, his queen...

"Willow?" He breaks my fascination and I become aware that I forgot to answer him.

I shake my head dismissively and look around his bedroom, "all this is just so impressive." I gesture at his room that's somehow bigger than mine. Hoping he'll buy my worn out excuse.

The colors in his room are mostly silver and dark blue, with the occasional black and white.

I can tell by the look in his eye that he doesn't buy my excuse, but he leaves it be regardless.

"A celebratory party will be held tomorrow in our honor, so we best get some sleep." He removes his jacket completely while saying this and then stands up straight, freeing himself from the couch.

In that moment our deal dawns on me, I'm supposed to sleep in here with him. I'd been so caught up with my mind playing tricks on me that I hadn't even thought, let alone prepared myself, for the fact that I'm sleeping next to him tonight.

Although I'm less abrasive about the thought now than I was some days ago but still I feel myself begin to shiver at the mere thought.

I open my mouth to speak, hoping that my voice isn't as shaky as I am. "I don't know if I'm ready..." Much to my dismay my voice betrays me.

His eyes squint for a second."We'll just be sleeping." He replies, somehow knowing what I mean.

I awkwardly avert my gaze and rub my arms. Sleeping next to him won't be so bad... As I've already discovered.

He passes by me but stops for a moment by my ear and says lowly, "when the time comes you won't just be ready."

I turn my head to face him and he continues,"you'll need all of it desperately."

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