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ENFJ: *looking through paperwork -- scowls*

INTP: *glances up from book* Uhh... What's wrong with you?

ENFJ: They organized this improperly. *walks over to INTP and shows it to them* See? These numbers should be on the bottom page -- numbers which are incorrect, by the way -- and they did not indent the paragraph.

INTP: Uh... huh...

ENFJ: *sighs in frustration* Whatever, I'll fix it myself and then tell them what they did incorrect.

INTP: *responds absentmindedly* That sounds like a great plan.

ENFJ: Oh, INTP, we're going out to eat at 5:30 tonight. Our old group from high school wants to have a get together. ENTJ and I set it up.

INTP: That's great...

ENFJ: *walks towards INTP's room* I'm tossing your computer out the window~

INTP: Oka... Wait, what?!

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