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INFJ: "H-huh? This is ...for me? Really? But...You didn't have to get me anything! Just being around you is enough but...thank you." *smiles with a little blush* "Actually, I got you something too. What? Of course, I would get you something. I'm always thinking about you."

INFP: "Ahhh! *blushes* This is for me?! AHHHH I'm so happy... What do I do? *eyes water* Y-Yes I'm crying! It's just--! I've never gotten chocolates before and I wasn't expecting it! It's so sweet! What did I do to deserve such kindness I will follow you all of the days of my life my love is-"

ENFP: "Huh!? Wait, is this chocolate? This is for me?! Seriously?! That's so sweet ahhh!! *hugs tightly, smiling all the time* I love you so much!! Thank you! I'm going to eat them all right now! I bet they taste amazing!! *stuffs mouth with chocolate* O hmy gOD."

ENFJ: "Haha-...wait, you're serious? I can have this? *is really touched* It was very thoughtful of you. Thank you. *tries to open the chocolates but can't* Ah...hold on I'm having trouble opening the package. No, don't worry I got- it just- *the lid finally pops off with force and some of the chocolates spill on the floor* oh my god I'M S O SORRY"

ISFP: "Chocolates...? Huh...No, I want them! Of course I want them. I'm just so...surprised. I wasn't expecting it. I didn't think I would get anything. Thank you very much. *tastes one* They're sweet. Like you."

ISTJ: "Oh, it's yo- Ah! Hey, wait a minute, don't just give me these and walk away. What are these? Chocolates? is Valentines Day, isn't it? Are you really giving me these? Well...*smiles* I suppose a little bit of sugar is never bad for you. Thank you."

ESTP: "Chocolates?! Wait. *blushes* Seriously?! I mean...I knew you'd give me something- what? No I didn't say anything shut up. I mean--! Thank you... but also wtf these are so good looking did you really make this!? No, you can't have a bite. It's mine you don't get any it's all mine I'm eating all of it! *after a minute* okay, maybe you can have just one."

ENTJ: "Hey. Hm? I looked troubled? Yeah, well, someone left me a box of chocolates on my desk, but they didn't leave a name or a note or anything so I have no idea who it's from. Hm? Wait. You left it?! it makes sense. Ah, no, sorry. I was just thinking it was exactly like you to forget something so basic. *smirks* I'm teasing. Maybe only half serious, but thank you. Really."

ENTP: "AHH!!!! YES!! I was waiting for this moment!I knew you'd bring me chocolate!!! Sit down. Why? Because we're going to share them together, of course! I got you chocolates too but...I ate most of them before you showed up. SORRY!! It was too tempting!!!"

INTP: *stares at you for a solid minute* "They're...for me?" *eats them quietly, not saying much but clearly enjoying it* "They're good." *finishes the box before they realize it* "Can I have more next year?"

INTJ: "Ah...this is for me? Oh. Wow um...t-thank you." internally: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! !! ! ?!? ??!!!! !!!!! THIS IS SO NICE ???? what just happened ??? !! wait do I have to give them something back now dammit

ESFJ: "Oh? Hey, what's that behind your back? Chocolates!? Finally confessing to the person you like, huh? I-...? W-wait a minute! Your giving it to me?! Seriously?! Oh my god. I-" *blushes, unable to stop their smile* "Ahhh. I'm so happy..."

ESFP: "AHHH!! I can have it!? Really?! AHHH THEY'RE SO PRETTY! THEY'RE SHAPED LIKE CATS AND DOGS TOO!! IT'S SO CUTE *takes pictures before eating three at once* they're so good!! *may or may not be crying* You're so sweet!! I'm going to get you 100000 boxes of chocolates tomorrow and take you to all your favorite places in the world !!!"

ISFJ: "H-huh? For me? T-Thank you. *blushes* Can I eat it now? *eats a piece* Mmmm. I love chocolate, but it's even better when given to you by someone you love, isn't it?"

ESTJ: "Thank you. I'll save it for later." *when the person leaves, ESTJ's face burns red looking at the box of chocolates, they almost died trying to keep their composure in front of you*

ISTP: "Ahhhh. What's this? Chocolates? For me? *smiles* Thank you for thinking of me. Huh? What do you mean 'is that it'? Of course I got you something too."

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