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INTJ: What person would go out into the woods at night when there's a killer?

ENFP: Shhhh!! Stop talking, you're going to ruin the movie. *pushes INTJ* Can't you see that Jim is going into the woods to find Sarah? I mean it's really quite sweet *crunching loudly on popcorn and continues to ramble*.

INTJ: Jim should just call Sarah. Boom. They both live and the movie ends.

ENFP: OMG, why can't you just shut up and realize that Jim is running on an adrenaline and can't think properly?

INTJ: Yeah, but the movie is dumb.

ENFP: Why did you even choose this movie if you're complaining?

*jump scare moment and ENFP flies into the INTJ*

ENFP repeats: IDK whY yoU chOse this movie...

INTJ: *smirks while holding on to the ENFP* Dunno

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