Pole dancer ENFP/INTJ

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ENFP: i think i could be a pole dance teacher (part time) some day

INTJ: Is that a goal for you?

ENFP: mayyybe, i'm just sort of observing where life is bringing me. sitting 40 hours weekly kills me, so i'm thinking about part time something active. what is your goal?

INTJ: I want to use my brain. I often feel its not put to its limits

ENFP: hahahaha

INTJ: Except today I went to the library for 5 hours to study some really hard maths

ENFP: whaaat. you're crazy, i adore you. well, actually i'd like to use my brain as well. how to combine brain + graphic design + physical activity


ENFP: you know, i think i will continue with duolingo and german, to get some BRAIN excercise

INTJ: Oh yeah then play some CHESS. We should play a game against each other online

ENFP: yeah i know, but the last (and the first) time i played it i got super sleepy, i think it's a bit boring for me

INTJ: What how it's so exciting haha

ENFP: yeah, super exciting

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