INTP, ISFP, INFJ, ESFJ,INTJ which country i would be ?

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ISFP: INTP i have a question!

INTP: sure.

ISFP: if i was a country.

INTP: you're not ISFP!!

ISFP: i know but what if i was a country what country i would be in your opinion?

INTP: you seem like a France to me.

ISFP: France ? interesting... i love Paris LOL.

INFJ: wht about me INTP?

INTP: jeezus alright, you would be Norway.

ESFJ: oh that's a very beautiful country!

INFJ: why Norway though ?

INTP: it's the nature for me...

ESFJ: that's beautiful INTP.

INTP: i got you ESFJ, you are Denmark.

ESFJ: Denmark ? i want Russia.

INTP: oh boy Russia is INTJ for sure .

INTJ: huh ?

INTP: nothing just ignore.

INTJ: bet.

ISFP: is it the coldness?

INTP: bingo.

ESFJ: you got a point!

INTJ: *still reading his book and not caring about the whole chat*

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