A Comma?

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Ban's POV

Her power was dropping fast as we ran toward her and I caught her just before she hit the ground. I was so worried she changed back to her normal form. She was breathing but only bearly and her power level was way too low.

I was very worried and I could tell the others where to go. Just then Merlin appeared and next to her was Esconar. I was happy to see him but we all had bigger problems at the moment. Merlin to Kitty into her room in the boar hat and we all waited.

Two hours later she came out and said that she would be ok but for now, she was in a coma and there was nothing more that anyone could do we just had to wait. We all went to bed dividing to take turns being in there with her to make sure that she did not wake up to anyone there.

Three Months later Elizabeth's POV

Kitty still had not woken up. I was worried about her I was almost always in here making sure that she had a wet cloth on her head and that there was nothing more that I could do. All of the sins were depressing.

I knew how they felt. When Luka died I was just like that the only difference was that I knew that Kitty was going to be ok she was going to wake up and they would all be happy again I could feel it.

I walked into the room and saw that King was asleep on his pillow on the floor next to the bed. I changed ehr cloth and moved her hair to the side of her face. I missed her so much. I was not one of Kitty's Mates but I and she had bonded while she had been here and we had become like sisters I missed her. Just then I heard a noise downstairs and went to check it out. 

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