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~ The next day ~

The next morning, Jungwon arrived at the university early to meet up with his friends before classes started. Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Niki were already waiting for him in front of the main entrance.

"Hey, man!" Heeseung called out, waving as Jungwon approached them.

Jungwon grinned and high-fived his friends. "What's up, guys?"

They all exchanged pleasantries before Jungwon began telling them about his night with Y/n. He explained that they had watched a movie together and talked for hours and that he had even given her a ride home on his motorcycle.

As he spoke, his friends listened intently, nodding and making comments here and there. They were all aware that Jungwon and Y/n were fake-dating, but they still found themselves invested in their relationship, fake or not.

"That's cool, man," Sunghoon said, giving Jungwon a pat on the back. "It sounds like you two are really getting along."

Jungwon nodded. "Yeah, she's actually really fun to hang out with. I'm starting to think this fake-dating thing might not be so bad after all."

The group chuckled, knowing that Jungwon had been skeptical about the whole arrangement at first. But now, it seemed like he was starting to enjoy spending time with Y/n.

"Hey, we should all hang out sometime," Niki suggested. "You know, like a double date or something."

Jungwon raised an eyebrow. "You mean me and Y/n, and you and... who?"

Niki grinned. "I don't know yet. I'll find someone."

The group laughed, and Jungwon couldn't help but feel grateful for his friends. Even though the fake-dating situation was a little strange, he knew that he had their support and that they would always be there for him, no matter what.

As they headed off to their respective classes, Jungwon couldn't help but feel excited for the day ahead. With Y/n on his mind and his friends by his side, he knew that anything was possible.

~ With Y/n ~

Y/n arrived at the university and was relieved to see that she wasn't running late for once. As she walked towards the entrance, she noticed Jungwon's motorcycle parked at the curb, and a smile lit up her face. She knew that meant he was already there, waiting for her.

As she got closer, she saw Jungwon standing with his friends at the entrance of the university. He was laughing and joking around with them, looking carefree and happy. Y/n felt a sudden pang of jealousy, wishing she could be one of the people making him laugh like that.

But she pushed the feeling aside and walked up to them, joining their circle.

"Hey, guys," Y/n greeted them, smiling.

"Morning, Y/n," Jungwon said, grinning at her.

His friends all greeted her as well, and they chatted for a few moments about their plans for the day. Jungwon mentioned that he had a class with Heeseung and Sunghoon, and Y/n nodded, not really knowing what to say.

She felt a little awkward around his friends, still not entirely sure how to act around them. But they were all friendly and welcoming, and she knew that they didn't judge her for being Jungwon's fake girlfriend.

As they prepared to head off to their respective classes, Jungwon leaned in and gave Y/n a quick peck on the cheek. She felt a little thrill run through her at the contact, and she smiled up at him.

"See you later," he said, giving her a wave before heading off with his friends.

Y/n watched him go, feeling a little sad but also grateful for the time they had spent together. She knew that this fake-dating arrangement wouldn't last forever, but she was determined to enjoy it while it did. And who knows, maybe something real would come out of it in the end.

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