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~ The next morning ~

Y/n woke up to the soft light of the early morning sun peeking through the window. She turned her head and saw Jungwon still sleeping peacefully beside her. He looked so peaceful and vulnerable, his features softened in his sleep. It was such a contrast from his usual cool and confident demeanor at university.

She couldn't help but smile at the sight of him, and she reached out to run her fingers through his hair. He stirred slightly in his sleep, nuzzling his head against her chest.

Y/n felt a wave of affection wash over her, and she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. She felt his warmth against her, and it felt like they were the only two people in the world.

Jungwon murmured something in his sleep, and Y/n couldn't help but chuckle softly. She knew he would be embarrassed if he knew he talked in his sleep, but she found it endearing.

She continued to stroke his hair, enjoying the quiet moment together. It felt like they were in their own little bubble, shielded from the outside world.

Eventually, Jungwon began to stir more, and he opened his eyes, looking up at her. His eyes were still heavy with sleep, and he looked disoriented for a moment. Then, as he realized where he was, he smiled.

"Good morning," he said, his voice low and husky.

Y/n smiled back at him. "Good morning, sleepyhead."

Jungwon chuckled, sitting up and stretching his arms. Y/n watched him, admiring the way his muscles flexed and stretched.

"Thanks for letting me stay over," he said, turning back to her.

Y/n smiled, feeling a flutter in her stomach at the sight of him. "Of course. Anytime."

Y/n was about to get up from the bed to start getting ready for her classes when Jungwon pulled her back into the bed, wrapping his arm tightly around her. She felt his warm breath on her neck, and her heart fluttered.

"Jungwon, I have to go to class," she said, trying to wiggle out of his embrace.

"Can't you skip today?" Jungwon asked, his voice still heavy with sleep.

Y/n hesitated. She knew she shouldn't skip classes, but the thought of spending the day wrapped up in Jungwon's arms was tempting.

"I don't know," she said finally.

"Please?" Jungwon said, nuzzling his head against her neck.

Y/n felt a shiver run through her at the sensation, and she couldn't resist any longer. She turned to face Jungwon, looking into his deep brown eyes.

"Okay," she said, smiling.

Jungwon grinned back at her, and he pulled her close, kissing her deeply. Y/n felt her body respond to the kiss, and she wrapped her arms around Jungwon, pulling him closer.

The kiss was slow and languid, and Y/n felt like she was floating on a cloud. She had never felt this way before, so wrapped up in someone else that she could forget about everything else.

Eventually, they pulled away, both breathless. Y/n giggled, feeling happy and carefree.

"I can't believe we're skipping classes," she said.

Jungwon shrugged. "It's just one day. We can make it up later."

Y/n nodded, feeling content. She snuggled back into Jungwon's arms, feeling safe and loved. For the first time in a long time, she felt like everything was going to be okay.

~ 30 minutes later ~

After spending some more time wrapped up in Jungwon's arms, Y/n reluctantly pulled away, feeling the need to freshen up before they started their day together. She got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom, but Jungwon followed closely behind her.

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