~ 16 ~

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Jungwon walked out of the cafe, with Y/n trailing behind him. He took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and stretched his arms, feeling energized and alive.

"Where are we going now?" Y/n asked, a smile on her face.

"We're going to your dorm first," Jungwon said, turning to face her. "I left my motorcycle there yesterday, and I thought we could take a ride to a sea outside of Seoul."

"A sea?" Y/n asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

Jungwon nodded. "Yeah, it's a beautiful place. I used to go there a lot when I was a kid. I thought we could spend some time there today."

Y/n felt her heart flutter at the thought of spending the day with Jungwon at a scenic location. She couldn't believe that this was happening to her - just a few days ago, she was pretending to date Jungwon for the sake of her friend's project, and now, they were in a real relationship.

As they walked towards Y/n's dorm, Y/n couldn't help but steal glances at Jungwon. He looked so handsome in his leather jacket and ripped jeans, his hair tousled by the wind. She felt a surge of affection towards him, and she couldn't wait to spend the day with him.

When they reached her dorm, Jungwon went to get his motorcycle while Y/n went upstairs to grab some things. She quickly packed a small bag with some snacks, sunscreen, and a change of clothes, feeling excited for the day ahead.

As they rode towards the sea, Y/n held onto Jungwon tightly, feeling the wind in her hair and the thrill of adventure. She couldn't believe that she was here, with Jungwon, experiencing all these new things.

As they reached their destination, Y/n was speechless. The sea was a vast expanse of blue, the waves crashing against the shore. There were cliffs and rocks around them, and the sound of seagulls filled the air. It was a breathtaking sight, and Y/n felt grateful to be here with Jungwon.

As they set up their picnic, Y/n couldn't help but feel content. This was where she belonged - with Jungwon, by the sea, watching the waves and enjoying each other's company. She couldn't wait to see what the day had in store for them.

Y/n watched in shock as Jungwon suddenly started to undress, peeling off his leather jacket, t-shirt, and jeans until he was only in his boxers. She couldn't help but stare at his toned physique, feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"What are you doing?" she asked, trying to hide her blush.

"I'm going for a swim," Jungwon said, grinning at her. "Come on, Y/n, don't be shy."

Before Y/n could protest, Jungwon had already jumped into the sea, the cool water splashing around him. He swam towards her, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Come on, Y/n," he said, reaching out a hand to her. "The water's great."

Y/n hesitated for a moment, but the look of pure joy on Jungwon's face was contagious. She took his hand and let him help her into the water, feeling the coolness of the sea wash over her.

As they swam, Y/n felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration. She hadn't felt this carefree in a long time, and she couldn't help but laugh and splash around with Jungwon. He was like a kid in a candy store, his energy and enthusiasm infectious.

For the rest of the day, they explored the sea, went on hikes, and enjoyed each other's company. They talked about everything and anything, laughing and joking and sharing their hopes and dreams.

As the sun started to set, they sat on a cliff overlooking the sea, watching the orange and pink hues fill the sky. Y/n felt a sense of peace settle over her, knowing that she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

Jungwon wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. "I'm so glad I met you, Y/n," he said, his voice soft.

Y/n looked up at him, feeling her heart swell with affection. "Me too, Jungwon," she said, smiling at him.

As they sat there, watching the sunset, Y/n knew that this was just the beginning. She didn't know what the future held, but she was excited to find out, with Jungwon by her side.

~ While watching the sunset ~

Y/n leaned her head against Jungwon's chest as they watched the sun dip below the horizon, the colors of the sky shifting from orange to pink to purple.

The salty sea air whipped around them, making their wet clothes and hair cling to their skin. But they didn't care. They were lost in the moment, lost in each other.

Jungwon wrapped his arms around Y/n, holding her close as they sat on the cliff. "I could stay here forever," he murmured, his breath tickling her ear.

Y/n smiled, feeling her heart flutter with happiness. She turned her head to look up at him, taking in the warmth of his gaze.

"Me too," she whispered.

They sat like that for a while, watching the sky turn darker and the stars twinkle into view. Y/n couldn't believe how lucky she was to be here, with Jungwon by her side.

As the night deepened, they finally stood up, stretching their cramped muscles. Jungwon took Y/n's hand, leading her back to his motorcycle.

"Let's go home," he said, grinning at her.

Y/n smiled back, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her. She didn't know what the future held, but for now, she was happy just being with Jungwon.

Jungwon got on his motorcycle and positioned himself behind Y/n, wrapping his arms around her waist. She leaned back into him, feeling the warmth of his body against hers.

"Are you cold?" Jungwon asked, noticing her shiver.

"A little," Y/n admitted.

Without a word, Jungwon took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders, his arms still wrapped tightly around her. Y/n smiled gratefully, feeling his warmth envelop her.

They rode back to Y/n's dorm in comfortable silence, the wind whipping around them as they weaved through the city streets. Y/n felt free, unburdened, as if nothing could touch them in this moment.

When they arrived at her dorm, Jungwon helped her off the motorcycle and walked her to her door.

"Thanks for today," Y/n said, turning to face him.

Jungwon smiled down at her, his eyes shining. "Thank you for coming with me."

Y/n stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to Jungwon's cheek, feeling her heart flutter at the touch of his skin.

"Goodnight," she whispered, before turning to enter her dorm.

Jungwon watched her go, his hand still tingling where she had kissed him. He knew, without a doubt, that he was falling for her. And he couldn't wait to see where their journey would take them.

The next chapter is here

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