Chapter 19

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"What?" Yao Yanyan followed her gaze and looked down at her own legs. After a moment, she realized what the other person meant.

Was Cheng Xuan worried that she would encounter danger if she came out at night?

"It's fine," Yao Yanyan said.

Cheng Xuan frowned and stared at her silently.

Yao Yanyan surrendered, "Next time I come...I'll wear long pants?"

"Next time, give me a call in advance." Cheng Xuan's voice was a bit muffled. After speaking, she didn't dare to look at her reaction and quickly lowered her eyes to the ground.

"Okay." Yao Yanyan smiled, feeling warm inside.

My daughter is concerned about me! That's so nice!

Little did Cheng Xuan know that she was being treated like a daughter by Yao Yanyan.

Cheng Xuan walked and ate the chocolate bar she gave her while listening to her chatter.

"You're too thin, Cheng Xuan. Have you been eating well every day?"

"Yes." Cheng Xuan answered truthfully.

Since Yao Yanyan arrived, she had been eating well almost every day.

Yao Yanyan still wasn't at ease. She glanced at Cheng Xuan's thin wrist hanging by her side. "Really?" she said doubtfully, and then reached out to hold her hand.

"Look at your wrist. It's so thin." She exaggerated her tone and used her two white fingers to circle Cheng Xuan's wrist. "There's so much room left."

Cheng Xuan lowered her eyes. The warmth and smoothness of the young girl's hand felt like a circle of white jade around her wrist.

Her eyelashes trembled as she wanted to withdraw her wrist, but she was afraid of causing another misunderstanding like last time, so she looked at Yao Yanyan with complicated emotions.

Yao Yanyan's amber eyes were full of laughter.

Cheng Xuan pursed her lips and dryly said, "I got it."

"How about staying with me for a late-night snack later?" She took the initiative to attack, her eyes shining as if she wanted everything.

Cheng Xuan looked at her and said, "...I already ate in the afternoon."

"Have a little more, okay? Have some porridge." Yao Yanyan used a coquettish tone as she spoke, shaking Cheng Xuan's wrist.

Cheng Xuan had never met such a girl before.

She was always full of life, and her emotions were always written all over her face.

She often left Cheng Xuan at a loss.

Now, she was as soft as cotton, and Cheng Xuan couldn't refuse her.

"Okay." Cheng Xuan agreed, feeling dejected.

"Great!" Yao Yanyan was happy and held Cheng Xuan's wrist as they walked back home.


When the two of them returned to Cheng's home, there was no one on the first floor.

The Cheng family had already finished their dinner and gone to rest in their rooms.

Standing at the door, one could faintly hear Chen Huishu's laughter coming from Cheng Shibao's room.

They must have been enjoying sweet parent-child time together.

No one had prepared a hot meal for Cheng Xuan, who had worked hard all day. The dining table was still cluttered with unwashed dishes and utensils.

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