Chapter 74

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Although she said so, Song Bairuo's mental state still made Yao Yanyan feel a faint uneasiness.

Beyond the uneasiness, a shallow sense of pity arose.

Strictly speaking, Song Bairuo could be considered a pitiable person who also had their share of faults.

In Yao Yanyan's impression, the Song family divorced when Song Bairuo was very young. After that, Song Bairuo lived with her alcoholic mother in the market in the East City, renting a rundown house.

By a stroke of luck, Song's mother attended a classmate reunion and ran into her former friend Zhang Anna. Zhang Anna always liked to flatter and please others, and she greatly enjoyed flattering Song's mother. After hearing about the Song family's situation, she even accompanied Song's mother to many dinners and successfully helped her marry a divorced middle-class man.

But that man was not honest and frequently visited questionable places after their marriage. Song's mother herself was not a family-oriented person, and she began to frequently gamble and squander money.

She also demanded that her daughter maintain a good relationship with the young miss from the Yao family and not abandon this valuable connection.

Therefore, in Yao Yanyan's impression, Song Bairuo often said things that were completely unsuitable for her age when she was very young, which made her classmates look down on her.

She was like that, pleasing others her whole life, and also being tightly controlled by her mother her whole life.

Yao Yanyan remembered the money Song Bairuo mentioned at noon today and sighed, trying hard to push aside these negative emotions.

In the end, these things had nothing to do with her.


Yao Yanyan was visibly absent-minded for the whole afternoon.

Jiang Leyu rushed back from out of town and didn't arrive until three in the afternoon. Upon hearing about the incident, she scolded Song Bairuo angrily and patted Yao Yanyan from top to bottom, saying, "You're not hurt, right, ancestor?"

"No," Yao Yanyan chuckled, feeling weak in her body and waving her hand.

"You're in a bad mood," Jiang Leyu noticed, "Did you catch a cold? The flu has been severe lately."

"Is it?" Yao Yanyan raised her eyes and continued to focus on her work. "I'm fine."

She remembered something and glanced at her phone.

After a moment, she picked it up right in front of her boss and sent a message to Cheng Xuan.

[The flu has been severe lately. Take care.]

The reply came quickly from the other side: [Okay, sister.]

Both of them tacitly avoided mentioning what happened with Song Bairuo at noon.

Presumably, neither of them wanted Song Bairuo to disturb the hard-earned tranquility in their lives.

Cheng Xuan suddenly suggested, [Sister, let's go see the sea tonight.]

[See the sea?] Yao Yanyan replied, recalling her previous experience of seeing the sea with Cheng Xuan, which had left her with a negative impression.

[Yeah, I want to go see the sea with you, sister. It's also a way to make up for last time's regret. (Crying bunny emoji)]

Yao Yanyan couldn't help but laugh. [Where do you get all these emojis?]

Cheng Xuan sent a screenshot.

The real and fake daughter of a wealthy family are in love[GL]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz