Chapter 66

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The wound was not deep, but it stood out on her snow-white cheek, making Cheng Xuan's eyelids burn.

She held Yao Yanyan's hand and left the Yao family's residence, getting into the car and heading straight to a nearby clinic.

Yao Yanyan covered her injured cheek and smiled, a bit embarrassed. "It's nothing, no need to worry. Just a small wound. I'll put a band-aid on when we get back."

Cheng Xuan didn't say anything, but her gaze conveyed her dissatisfaction.

Yao Yanyan and Cheng Xuan locked eyes for a moment, and Yao Yanyan yielded, sitting back.

There were several clinics near the villa. Cheng Xuan stopped the car at the nearest one and bought iodine cotton swabs and scar ointment before returning.

Yao Yanyan sat in the car, watching. It was October, and Cheng Xuan had sweat on her forehead. Her black hair stuck to her cheek, perhaps due to worry. There was a slight furrow on her brow.

But as soon as she got in the car, those exposed negative emotions dissipated.

She resumed her usual calm and indifference, suppressing her deep emotions as she unscrewed the lid of the iodine bottle for Yao Yanyan.

Yao Yanyan felt a hint of ruthlessness in her actions.

Yao Yanyan: "...Or should I do it myself?"

Cheng Xuan didn't say anything, and her hand on the lid remained motionless. After a while, she raised her head with a cold expression. "You want to do it yourself?"

Yao Yanyan's heart skipped a beat from her gaze and instinctively shrank back.

It seemed like the first time she had seen Cheng Xuan so angry.

The sound of unscrewing the lid seemed to amplify in the quiet car. Cheng Xuan lowered her gaze, swiftly soaked the cotton swab with iodine.

"Come here." She lowered her head, using her snow-white fingers to guide the cotton swab, without lifting her eyelids.

Yao Yanyan, feeling irritated and upset by her unfriendly and indifferent attitude, felt a sense of grievance. She felt like all her efforts today had been in vain. But she still lowered her gaze, held her breath, and tilted her face upward.

But after a long while, there was no movement from Cheng Xuan.

Yao Yanyan furrowed her brows and raised her eyes, meeting Cheng Xuan's gaze.

It was very dark, with a deep red tint, and Cheng Xuan's hand holding the cotton swab hovered in mid-air, unsure whether to descend or not.

They were very close to each other, and their eyes met. In that moment, Yao Yanyan suddenly remembered a saying.

— Loving someone cannot be hidden. Even if you cover your mouth, it will still reveal itself through your eyes.

Yao Yanyan had never seen someone look at her with such a caring gaze.

Perhaps she had experienced it when she was younger.

But over the years, as she grew up and lost her support, she naturally forgot what it felt like to be loved and cared for.

Lost in thought, she heard Cheng Xuan suddenly call her name.

"Yao Yanyan."

Yao Yanyan paused and blinked her eyelashes.

Cheng Xuan's gaze was very dark, and she lightly rolled the cotton swab over the wound on Yao Yanyan's face.

It stung a little, and Yao Ya6n furrowed her brows in pain.

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