Chapter 21

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After Yao Yanyan finished her meal, Hong Xiaonuan invited Cheng Xuan to leave work.

It was raining lightly outside, and Cheng Xuan held an umbrella for Yao Yanyan.

The oil-cypress road, splashed with puddles, reflected the warm yellow streetlights and the slender shadows of the two people under the umbrella.

Yao Yanyan was wearing very little, and her exposed arms felt a bit cold. She unconsciously moved closer to Cheng Xuan.

Their shoulders touched, and Yao Yanyan looked up.

Under the umbrella, Cheng Xuan's face softened at her sudden proximity, but she didn't react much. Her dark eyes were gathered under her thick and long eyelashes without blinking.

Suddenly, Yao Yanyan couldn't help but laugh.

Cheng Xuan turned her gaze to her.

Yao Yanyan said, "You didn't dodge me this time."

Following her words, Cheng Xuan remembered the scene where they had held an umbrella together last time.

At that time, she had avoided her like the plague, and they had even had a little quarrel because of it.

Cheng Xuan was frank and uncomfortable, so she touched the back of her neck and said, "Uh, I took a shower."

After she said this, Yao Yanyan laughed again, "Hahaha."

Cheng Xuan was a little annoyed, and her eyes became even darker, "What's so funny?"

"It's just funny," Yao Yanyan laughed until her stomach hurt, "I didn't know you were someone who pays attention to details."

Cheng Xuan didn't say anything, and she avoided her shoulder, holding the umbrella in a way that leaned towards Yao Yanyan. Her hand holding the umbrella seemed to disobey her.

Yao Yanyan poked her shoulder, "Are you angry?"

Cheng Xuan didn't say anything for a while, and then weakly replied, "No..."

How could she be angry with Yao Yanyan?

Yao Yanyan said, "Well, that's good. Hey, let's buy some barbecue to take home."

The sudden change of topic made Cheng Xuan choke.

Following her gaze, Cheng Xuan saw a barbecue store across the street.

There weren't many people on the rainy day, and they quickly ordered their barbecue and two bottles of cold beer. They carried the food and drinks out of the store.

Afraid the barbecue would get cold quickly, Cheng Xuan led Yao Yanyan on a shortcut.

The alley was quite dark and one couldn't see the end at a glance.

Yao Yanyan was holding onto Cheng Xuan's clothes, as she had a bit of night blindness which was especially difficult in such a dark alley.

Cheng Xuan noticed that something was wrong with Yao Yanyan and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yao Yanyan tightened her grip on Cheng Xuan's clothes and said, "I can't see very well."

Without asking any more questions, Cheng Xuan turned around and was about to take Yao Yanyan back on the main road.

But Yao Yanyan said, "No need. Didn't you say we'll be there soon? Let me use my flashlight..."

As Yao Yanyan was reaching for her bag, a bright white light suddenly flashed in front of them.

She hurriedly raised her hand to shield her eyes, but Cheng Xuan had already tilted the umbrella in time to block the white light that had come their way.

The real and fake daughter of a wealthy family are in love[GL]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang