Ch 5

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"WAKEY WAKEY DANA!" I shouted into her ear.

"RORY! WHAT THE FUCK!" She sat up, startled by the noise, pushing me off of her bed.

"Come onnn! It's Saturday we have to do something!" I dragged her arm, pulling her out of her bed only to be shocked by what she wearing, or rather what she wasn't wearing.

"Oh, uh sorry Dana." I laughed awkwardly, turning around in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it. I should have warned you, I like to sleep naked." Her voice was low.

I opened her dresser and chucked her the t shirt and sweatpants that were on top.
"Put some clothes on you donkey." I joked to try and deescalate the awkward situation.

"Alright, alright. But you do know we are just friends. Rory." I heard shuffling behind me, indicating she was getting dressed.

"Yeah and? That doesn't mean I want to see your tits first thing in the morning." I laughed.

"Whatever you say, personally I think they are great." She joked.

"I didn't say that they weren't, now hurry up we have to go meet Maya and Jen." I said as I tied my shoelaces up.

There was a brief silence.

"Okay, okay give me a minute."


"So Maya, any news on this potential wife of yours? There must be an update by now." All four of us were sat under a tree in the middle of the school field, it was a hot day so there were quite a few groups of people around us.

Maya dramatically flopped her body on the ground, her head leaning on my thigh, looking up to me.

"I don't know what you are talking about." The death stare she was giving me mixed with the exaggeration in her voice told me to keep my mouth shut. I am definitely asking her about this later.

"Oh, maybe I am thinking of a different person.." I went along with it, but I noticed Jen starting to twirl blades of grass between her fingers. Hmm.

"Anyway, guys we need to go out tonight. I heard a few guys talking about a party in one of the off-campus frat houses pleaseeee can we go? please, please, pl-." Dana whined before Jen cut her off.

"Yes! We can go now shush, but if we get there and it's shit there is a club down the road that is pretty popular, we might be able to sneak in."

"Sound's like a good plan. What's the dress code?" I asked, shoving Maya off of me playfully and dusting the dirt she had left behind her off of my jeans. For an adult, she sure does like to roll around in the grass...

"Well. Definitely not sweats and a tee..."Maya joked and glanced over to Dana.

We all laughed except from Dana who just gave me a look that screamed 'seriously?'.

"Well blame Rory for my outfit, she basically forced me to get dressed. Apparently my naked self isn't good enough for her." She jokingly rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, causing Maya and Jen to screech with laughter.

"HAHA! WHAT?!" Maya shouts, way too loudly.

"Girls. I hate to interrupt this little gathering you have going on, but I suggest you go somewhere else if you cannot keep the noise down."

I look up to see Alexandria towering over me, arms crossed and leaning on one side. She is looking straight down at me, rage plastered across her face. Did she hear what Dana said?

There was an awkward silence, I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of her own but I could tell everyone was too embarrassed to reply.

"Am I clear?" Her voice had lowered and sounded much deeper than before.

𝑰 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒆, 𝑴𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒊𝒏.Where stories live. Discover now