Ch 7

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I felt a hammering pulse of pain in my head. Attempting to open my eyes and sit up, a wave of nausea came over me causing me to shut my eyes in pain.

"Hey, woah woah woah. Take it easy." I heard a calm, soothing voice before feeling cold hands brush against my forehead, a cooling contrast to my body that was way too warm.

"You're burning up, lay back down." I laid down slowly, the world spinning even when my eyes are closed.

I tried to slowly open my eyes again, taken back by the view I was looking at. Blue eyes staring into mine with a sense of worry.

"Where am I?" I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand, I noticed her smile a little at my action.

"My house, and don't worry, I slept in a different room." I blushed at the thought. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"I must apologise for how I treated you last night." She looked down, eyebrows furrowing a little bit that didn't go unnoticed by me.

"How you treated me?" I asked confused until my mind rushed back to glimpses of what happened last night, "Oh, it's okay. I understand why you were angry at me." It was my turn to look down now.

Suddenly, cold hands were holding my warm ones, thumb rubbing over my palm tickling me slightly.

"I had no right to show up like that unannounced, but I started to worry about you and then when I got there I saw you and Camero-." I cut her off as she started to ramble.

"Me and Cameron are just friends, he was about to take me home." I said, head pounding once again, reminding me of last nights antics.

"He's not a good guy, Rory." She looked into my eyes, almost on the verge of tears.

"Hey, you called me Rory." I smiled at her, trying to ease us off of this topic.

"I mean it." She rose her eyebrows in concern, hands now holding mine tighter.

"Everyone says that about him, I don't understand why because I think he's a great guy. What has he done?" The pitch of my voice increased the more I spoke. This whole bad guy talk was really starting to get on my nerves.

"Aurora, he's-." She paused, avoiding eye contact with me.

"What Alex?! What is so bad about him that everyone is getting so worked up over?" I didn't mean to shout at her, but it came out anyway.

A wave of panic rushed over me as she still didn't look at me even after I shouted.

"He sexually assaulted a girl last year. There were rumours about it but no one really knows the truth except from me." She looked up at me.

"What.. How do you know?" I squeezed her hands tighter as panic ensued me.

"He's my sister's son. She managed to get it covered up with I'm assuming money and god knows what." I could hear a spit of anger in her voice, "The girl tried to speak up about it but my sister shot it down straight away, it sickens me Aurora."

"Alex.. he's my boss." My voice was weak, I couldn't believe it.

Her eyes got visibly darker, "Quit."

"I can't afford to just quit, Alex." She took her hands off mine and stood up, running her hand through her hair and turning around. There was a moment of silence before she turned back around to face me. I slowly stood up, trying to not make my headache worse and once again took her hands into my own.

"Hey, calm down okay? He hasn't tried anything with me, I can defend myself Alex." I tried to comfort her but I was only making her angrier. She let go of my hands and walked into a kitchen, pouring herself a drink of.. I think red wine.

She downed the freshly-poured drink and slammed the glass onto the counter before looking up and locking eyes with me. I could see her chest heaving up and down, she was furious.

"He needs to be locked up." She finally spoke.

"Alex please calm down. You're scaring me." I wish I was lying, but seeing her like this.. She looked like she was going to kill him.

"I don't want you anywhere near him, Aurora. Quit your job, if you need money I can get you a job. Hell, I will hire you as an assistant or something but you are not going back into that cafe." I looked in her eyes, searching for anything other than anger.

"But-" She cut me off.

"Do not argue with me on this, Aurora."

There was a brief silence before I nodded, "Okay." I spoke but my words came out barely above a whisper. I looked down in embarrassment and shock because of the situation.

I heard footsteps approach me but didn't dare to look up.

I felt her arms around me, pulling me in for a hug. Her ice-cold skin being a refreshing contrast to me overheating.

Her hand started to comfort my back, I felt safe in her arms. The moment was quickly over though when she pulled me to look at her, eyes immediately met with concern.

"Woah, baby it's okay. Please don't cry." Her thumb rubbed over my cheek, I didn't even realise I was crying.

I rushed to pull her back into me, my head cradling into her neck as I sobbed.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I promise I won't let him hurt you, I am sorry he was your friend. Trust me when I say I know how you are feeling." She pulled me away from her slowly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Let me show you.." She walked over to a cabinet, pulling a box out of one of the larger cupboards. I made my way over to her as she beckoned me over. Opening the box, I was surprised to see it full of printed photos. I heard her breathing quicken as she opened it.

"It's okay." I put my hand over hers before she continued. She smiled at me, gave my hand a squeeze and pulled out a bunch of the photos.

"When Cameron was growing up, we were inseparable. Me and his mother weren't too close, we have drifted over the years but me and him... we had a special bond. One that his own mother was jealous of." She flipped through the different photos, all of them being her and a young boy.

She looked young as well, only a few years older than him. It made me wonder how old she was, and how old her sister was.

I noticed a tear on her cheek start to fall. I stood up on my tiptoes and wiped her cheek, kissing it afterwards. Her body stiffened.

She put all the photos back in the box and put the box back before turning to me.

"You know he's gonna have questions if I just quit and shut him out." I told her.

"I will talk to him. You don't have to do anything." She gave me a quick peck on the lips before returning to the kitchen.

I pouted at the action.

"God, I can feel your pouting from here." She turned around, laughing at the sight. I can tell she loves being right, "Come here." She beckoned, holding her arms out.

I ran over to her expecting a hug but I screamed when she lifted me up by my thighs, the back of my legs hitting the freezing cold counter.

"Hey! That's cold!" I shouted.

She raised her eyebrow and smirked slightly, she squeezed my thighs that she was still holding, I guess we are back to normal...

"Don't raise your voice at me little one. Now, what do you want for breakfast?" She turned her attention to the fridge beside me, leaving me on the counter.

I smirked, "Well I can think of something to eat, but I don't think you are going to like it." My voice lowered an octave.

She wasn't phased at my comment and kept her attention on the contents in the fridge, "Oh, baby you are really not ready for that..." She muttered, "Waffles?" She pulled out a rectangular box and grinned.

"Sure, I could eat waffles." I smiled.

𝑰 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒆, 𝑴𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒊𝒏.Where stories live. Discover now