Ch 12

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Alexandria's POV:

I woke up to a bright light seeping through the cabin's curtains. 

I looked around, trying to understand my surroundings. Aurora's head was upon my chest, we must have somehow changed positions last night whilst we were sleeping. 

She looked adorably innocent, her eyes were slightly twitching every now and again. I could stay here forever. Her breathing was quite loud due to the room being so quiet, it was the sweetest thing. 

After a few moments of peace, I tried to look around to find my phone without disturbing her. I finally found it on the bedside table next to me. When I turned it on, my eyes stung from the bright light that reflected off of it. 

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust, but once they did I quietly groaned at the time that I read, '5:03'.

If there was one thing I hated about being a college professor, it would have to be that my body clock is stupidly early. 

I attempted to get up without waking her up, but luckily she was a much deeper sleeper then I was. 

My mind raced back to thoughts of last night's activities. She seemed to pick up the power dynamic pretty quickly, I knew she would. I felt my heart skip a beat at the thought, the things this girl was doing to me...

I put on my dressing gown that was hung on the back of the door and made my way into the bathroom.


I kept the bathroom door open so I could hear if Aurora wakes up, but I am hoping she doesn't. Whilst we do need to leave early, I dread to think how bratty she is when she's tired and grumpy. 

I decided to just wash my face and put on some moisturiser instead of my full skincare routine, I normally love pampering myself, but some of the products here are most likely out of date. That reminded me, if this was to be our getaway, then I need to buy some new things for it and to make sure Aurora will feel comfortable here.

Once I had finished up in the bathroom, I went back into the bedroom to put on my outfit for the day.

Aurora was still peacefully sleeping, but she had shuffled around a bit, I assumed that was because of my absence.

I made my way into the walk-in wardrobe and put on my underwear. 

After hunting around for some clothes, I decided to go with a red pantsuit and a black shirt to go underneath the red blazer. I liked to dress up when working, I knew that if I looked powerful then people will actually listen to me. But, I think my power goes beyond just what I am wearing now, both students and even other professors know not to annoy me.

I smirked at the thought.


I sprayed some of the new perfume I bought when I went shopping with Aurora. It smelt feminine, yet it had a hint of masculinity which topped off my look for today. I normally go for a sweet vanilla perfume, but I thought I should treat myself with a more expensive one. 

Considering there was no food in the kitchen, getting breakfast on the way to work would be a good idea. I just had to wake up Aurora. 

Walking into the bedroom, I saw her still sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to startle her so I gently sat on the bed beside her.

"Sweetheart?" I whispered quietly, but loud enough to wake her up.

"Mmm." She hummed, eyes still shut.

𝑰 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒆, 𝑴𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒊𝒏.Where stories live. Discover now