Ch 18

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Aurora's POV:

Miss fucking Sander. 

Who did she think she was bursting into her classroom like that?! Even though she didn't see anything, something tells me she knew exactly what was happening. 

But who was going to believe her? No one. It's not like she saw anything incriminating...

My blood has been boiling ever since I saw her talking to Alex. I swear they were flirting with each other, Alexandria despises people so what makes this new woman so different?!

"Rory. Stop daydreaming. I need you to help me pick a dress for my date with Maya later tonight. What do you think, red or blue?" Jen held up two dresses, both slutty but elegant. 

I pondered for a moment before answering, "Red." Jen turned back towards the mirror in front of her, bit the inside of her lip and hummed in approval.

"You're right. Red it is." She hung the red dress up over the dorm room's door and put the blue dress back into the drawer it came from. 

I slumped back into the bed underneath me. I assumed it was Maya's considering it was untidy as fuck and Jen doesn't strike me as a messy girl. 

"What's up with you today? You are acting like you've witnessed someone murder puppies." I groaned after she spoke, my irritation evidently showing just pissed me off even more.

"Nothing. Just stressed. We have Ms Cain next period and I haven't studied for the quiz." My mind raced with thoughts of how disappointed she would be with me if I failed, but grateful that I came up with a distraction from today's earlier events. 

"I haven't studied either. How about we skip it and go out for a quick shopping spree. You seem like you need a break and I can't blame you, the whole college thing is a lot to take in." I felt Jen's hand take my arm and forcefully pull me up to a sitting position. 

"Jen you know she's not going to like that." She rolled her eyes at my response, Jen was usually pretty strict on her schedules and schoolwork so the fact that she even suggested skipping blew my mind. 

Maybe skipping will show her, I know she won't like it but I couldn't give a fuck right now. She's pissed me off and the last thing I need is to be sat in a room trying to answer questions I don't know the answers to with her staring at me the entire time. 

"Actually, you know what, let's go. I need to buy some more t-shirts, but I definitely need a coffee." I stood up and saw Jen physically relax.

"Yes! Let's go." 


"So what are you and Maya doing later?" I asked before taking a long sip out of my straw. I ordered a boring iced latte but I would take anything with caffeine in it right now. 

"She said it was a surprise but to wear something fancy. I'm not gonna lie I'm a little scared for what she has planned." Jen looked at me with concern before laughing her ass off. 

"Hey, she could be doing something really nice for you. You never know, she could be secretly very romantic." There was a silence as we both looked at each other but quickly ended when we both burst into laughter.

"Girl! We both know Maya is the least romantic person to walk this planet. I just hope I've picked the right outfit for the occasion." Her voice quietened.

"Hey.. Don't worry about it. I'm sure she will love whatever you choose to wear. Although, I definitely think you should wear the red dress." I playfully winked at her in an attempt to cheer her up. 

𝑰 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒆, 𝑴𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒊𝒏.Where stories live. Discover now