Ch 19

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A whole month had passed since Alex last spoke to me. I don't know where we stand but I know one thing is for sure, she's acting like I don't exist. I've tried talking to her so many times but nothing has seemed to work, she just shuts me down instantly. It's like nothing between us had happened. I was just her student, and she was just my professor.

A sense of dread fell over me. It's not fair, I don't deserve to feel this way.

I understand what I had done wrong, I should have asked her for her opinion before I told Jen, but I thought she would have at least trusted me that I had made the right choice. I mean she did make Dana find out about us after all so what made this situation any different?

Every one of her lessons has been pure torture ever since. She doesn't even acknowledge that I am there anymore. I've seen her hanging out a lot more with that other professor, I guess they have gotten close.

Jealousy washes over me, we had only known each other for a week so who knows what those two have been doing for a whole month. A tear threatened to spill at the thought.

At least I had my job going for me, I quite enjoy working with Jen at the club. Being surrounded by other gays and the occasional straight man wasn't too bad.

Speaking of, I have a shift in a half an hour. I should probably go downstairs to meet Jen.


"Hey, what took you so long? Are you okay?" I sighed as I gave a quick smile to Jen. At least someone acknowledges my feelings.

"I ended up falling asleep that's all." I lied. I haven't been able to sleep properly for a whole month. I didn't think I could go from feeling so loved and appreciated to feeling like a piece of shit so quickly. She obviously didn't care enough about me to talk to me properly, otherwise I wouldn't be feeling this way.

"No worries." Jen gave me a sympathetic smile. She knows everything, I see the way she looks at Alexandria in class. She wants to kill her. If anyone had the guts to even try killing her, it would be Jen. I quietly laughed to myself.

"Let's get going, before we end up late." I motioned for her to walk on first. I followed suite.


"Girls! Now that you're both here, I wanted to warn you about tonight. The club is having a 20% off discount on all drinks so there will be more people which means more money. So, I need you to keep the tables clean and to keep the crowds down as much as you can at the bars. You got it?" Our manager spoke, much too happy for my current mood.

I looked at Jen and looked back at him, "We got it loud and clear." I said jokingly.

"Good, don't let me down girls." He playfully winked before strutting back into his office.

"Sounds like tonight is going to be a blast." I said to Jen sarcastically.

"Well, at least it keeps me entertained. Nothing better than watching people get pissed." She laughed.

"Yeah, I guess so." I smiled.

We made our way over to the staff room to get ourselves sorted before our shifts actually started. This is the part I hated the most, work is fine once I get into it but the beginning always drags. I sighed.

"Hey, cheer up okay? It will go faster if you keep yourself busy." Jen's facial features had softened, she always knew what I was feeling. It's like she has a superpower.

"Thanks, I know I just really don't have the energy for it today." I felt my head start to ache.


Just kill me off now.


"Aurora! Get your ass over here and clean some of these tables!" My manager shouted through the headpiece.

As if this night couldn't get any worse, my head was definitely now killing me.

I made my way over to the tables and started to wipe over them, people were walking into me every now and again. One of the worst things about working in a club is that people have no manners once they get drunk. I mean it's like they don't even see me trying to do my job. I guess they don't really care though.

Just before cleaning the last table, someone nudged my shoulder which made me stumble to the floor. I'm going to get about a hundred diseases from this floor.

I shuddered at the thought of how gross it was.

I sighed before getting up and deciding that heading to the restroom is probably the best idea in this situation.

The club's toilets were quite clean in all fairness. Except from the ongoing flow of people and the occasional gagging and crying that was heard from a few of the girls in the cubicles, it wasn't too shabby.

After a few minutes of waiting, I finally got to a sink. Looking in the mirror, I couldn't recognise who I was looking at. My eyes looked sunken and my hair was a state. Part of my uniform was covered in god knows what and the makeup that I put on before I left had been almost completely wiped off from sweat. I looked and felt gross.

"Aurora, is it?" I heard a feminine voice from behind me.

Shit. It's that other professor, the one that Alexandria started to hang out with.

"Umm, no. You've got the wrong person." I quickly washed my face and spoke loud enough just for her to hear before quickly turning towards the door, only to be met with my geography professor.

I looked up, her eyes looking directly into mine. I could feel my throat constrict the longer that I stood there, staring into her icy blue eyes. Eyes that I knew all too well.

Flashes of her came bursting through my mind, my head feeling like it was going to explode.

"I- I'm sorry." I stuttered before quickly pushing past her and out the restroom's door, tears were now streaming down my face as I tried to find the entrance to the staff room.

I could feel my heart racing and breathing started to become difficult. It's like there isn't enough oxygen in this world for me to breathe and I struggled to catch up with my lungs.

"Calm down Rory. Just breathe." I tried to tell myself, but it wasn't working.

Why is she here? Let alone with that woman.

I don't deserve this feeling. The look on her face when I stood in front of her, there were no emotions.

I couldn't decipher the way that she was feeling. She was just... blank.

"What have I done?" I sat down on the floor and put my head in my hands, my cries being barely audible over the loud music playing in the room just outside the door.

"She's moved on. She doesn't care. So why do I feel this way?!" I screamed.

𝑰 𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒆, 𝑴𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒊𝒏.Where stories live. Discover now