Newt Electrocuted

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"Shit," Thomas said after he fired the stun gun. "Ok, come on," He said and everyone started running after him. Just before the door closed and was locked shut, a gun was fired behind them and it hit Newt.
"Arh! Ah, ah, ah, ah," Newt gasped as he collapsed to the ground and electricity pulsed through him.
"Get it off. Get it off!" Thomas shouted and Minho pulled the device off Newt's chest. Newt went still and he fell unconscious.
"I've got him."
"Ok, let's go," Thomas said and Minho lifted Newt into a fireman's lift.

They ran and got to the door. As Thomas had a confrontation with Janson, the door opened and Aris and Winston were standing on the other side.
"Hey guys."
"Shit. Newt," Winston said as he saw him.
"He's been electrocuted. Come on Thomas, let's go!" Minho called. Thomas made it and they ran outside into the scorch.


They followed Teresa and ended up in an abandoned shopping mall.
"Ok, I think we're safe for a moment. Put Newt down Minho, carefully," Thomas said and Minho gently lay Newt onto the sand, both Thomas and Frypan helped him. "Watch his head."
"I've got it."
"Newt? Newt, it's Thomas. Is he ok Minho?"
"He's alive and he's breathing," Minho said as he was taking Newt's pulse.
"Good. Newt? Come on Newt, wake up."
"What happened to him?" Winston asked.
"He was shot with a stun gun and he was electrocuted."
"How long does it take for someone to recover from that?"
"I don't know."
"No idea."
"Newt, can you hear us?"
"Newt, it's Minho."
"Minho... What happened...?" Newt asked slowly.
"You were electrocuted."
"We were getting out. One of the guards shot you with their stun gun."
"Where... are we?"
"We're not sure, but we're away from WCKD. We need you to come round and be able to walk."
"How are you feeling?" Minho asked Newt gently.
"Like I've been thrown by a griever," Newt said and Minho smiled.
"Are you injured? Is anything broken?"
"I don't think so. I can feel my body pulsing... it's struggling."
"Struggling to do what?"
"Cope," Newt said before he grimaced.
"Frypan, can you go and check to see if anyone's coming? Newt's not ready to move."
"Sure," Frypan said, and he left them.
"It's ok Newt. Take your time."
"Are you in pain Newt?"
"A little."
"Where does it hurt?"
"Is it bad?"
"No. No it's like... pins and needles..." Newt said before he visibly relaxed a little.
"None's around," Frypan said as he returned.
"How are you doing Newt?"
"The pain's... starting to ease..."
"That's good. Do you need anything Newt?"
"Some water."
"I'll see if I can find some."
"Thanks Aris," Thomas said and Aris left.
"Can you open your eyes Newt?" Minho asked and Newt slowly opened them to see his friends above him.
"Hi Newt."
"Hi," Newt said before he swallowed. "I think I can sit up."
"Alright, let's give it a go," Thomas said and he, Minho and Frypan all helped Newt to sit up.
"How's that?"
"Alright. My head's swimming."
"I've found some water."
"Thanks Aris. Nice and slow Newt," Thomas said as he opened the bottle of water and he helped Newt to drink some.
"Thanks Thomas," Newt said as he finished drinking and Thomas lowered the bottle from his lips.
"I could use some of that as well Thomas."
"Of course," Thomas said and he handed the water to Minho.
"How are you feeling Newt?"
"Dizzy, but I think I can walk. The pain's become a throb."
"Good. Ok, stay sitting down for a few minutes. Teresa, Winston, let's have a look around. Everyone else keep an eye out for WCKD and look after Newt."
"Do you want some water Fry?"
"Yes. Thanks Minho," Frypan said and he took the bottle from Minho.
"Are you doing alright Newt?" Minho asked Newt and he nodded.
"I'm getting there. Thanks for getting me out."
"I had to carry you. But you're lighter than you look, so that made it easier."
"Thank you Minho. That's twice I've been unconscious in your arms."
"I had you over my shoulders this time."
"Being in your arms is more romantic," Newt said and Minho smiled. "You're a good friend to me Minho."
"We're more than friends Newt. We're family."
"We are," Newt agreed.

After a few minutes, Newt felt well enough to stand up and they got moving.

After a few minutes, Newt felt well enough to stand up and they got moving

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