Scorch Trials: Teresa's Betrayal

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"I'm glad you're safe," Eva said as Teresa appeared.
"What the hell...?"
"Wait, what's going on?" Newt asked.
"She betrayed us," Thomas yold them.
"No. I'm trying to help."
"Help who? Your mother?"
"If you knew my pain you would..." Teresa said as tears shone in her eyes.
"Your pain? You're going to kill all of us. And just so you can give more time for others to suffer the flare?"
"It's to prolong their life. In time, we can find a cure without the need for people to suffer."
"A cure for who? You're going to murder us. Minho. Newt. Frypan. Me. There's no cure for us. Not from you."
"We will find one."
"Not before you kill us!" Thomas shouted and he was electrocuted.
"You're going to kill us," Newt continued and Teresa faced him with tears running down her face.
"I'm sorry."
"We're going to harvest your enzymes. Then we'll end your misery once we're done," Eva told him.
"You put us in that maze. I watched my friends, my family, die of fear and the grievers that you made and put in those walls."
"Grievers are a word I haven't heard for them before."
"Alby. George. Ben. Chuck. Gally. They all died because of you."
"We only use numbers, not names."
"That's because you took them from us. We got them back and I won't let you kill us."
"Newt, please..." Teresa begged him.
"No!" Newt shouted. "You pretended to be our friend. To be one of us, but you don't care. You got your precious memories back but guess what, I didn't! Alby, Minho, Gally didn't! I'm not a test to be used and killed. I have feelings and a family too. Fuck your mother and your life. You're going to kill me like I'm ash on a fire. I'm only here to be burnt and then put out."
"He has spirit. A5 I believe you are, or Newt as you like to call yourself."
"A5, Newt, I don't care what you call me. Kill me. Kill us all to save your dying planet. It's clear that humanity died long ago."

Maze Runner TrilogyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora