5. (Athanasia) I Love My Sister!

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I couldn't keep my eyes away from the transparent lotus, it was just so beautiful that I had a strong desire to have it.

"Athy, no!" I heard Ara shout in my head yet, I didn't want to stop.

"I want it, Ara." I replied to her before I stretched my hand reaching out.

Just a little, just a little and I didn't realize when my hand slipped and I fell into the lake.

I struggled to come back above and once I did I saw Ara leaning over to the edge.

"He-Help me!" I shouted and Ara stretched her hand to me.

I looked once at Claude who looked at me with an indifferent gaze. A five year old is drowning and this jerk wasn't even trying to help?!

I barely reached Ara's fingers when I felt something coil around my ankle and pull me down.

I closed my mouth as the water started rushing through, I was scared. Was I going to die like this?!

I didn't want to die! Ara!

Just then I felt something grabbing me, for a second, I wondered if it was Ara or even Claude but there was no one. It was then that it clicked as the invisible power started pulling me up.

It was Ara's telekinesis!

Ara! It's my sister after all who was trying to save me.

I struggled against the vines and was pulled out of the water with a strong force. I hung in the air with the Ara's telekinesis and the slimy vines stil holding onto me.

"Ara!" I cried as I saw her, Claude's expression had changed though he seemed like he was shocked but I didn't care.

I heard Ara shout and just then the vines slipped off my legs and I was pulled to Ara. I fell on top of her on the boat not able to control my tears.

"You... okay?" I heard Ara's voice which sounded more like a wheeze I looked at her and my eyes widened.

Wait... why was there blood at her mouth?

Her face was as pale as snow and there was blood streaming from her mouth.

She coughed covering her mouth and clutched her chest, her expression turned painful and she brought her hand before her eyes and I gasped as I saw more blood on her hands.

My heart nearly came to a stop as I saw her eyes rolling back and she fell on her side.

"Ara!" I couldn't help but panic.

I gripped her shoulders trying to wake her up.

"Ara, Ara, wake up!" I shouted but she didn't move nor did she wake up.

The boat reached at the land again and Claude picked Ara's immobile form in his arms, for some reason, an unexplainable emotion was on his face. He's definitely not worried about her.

"Felix, get the doctor, now!" Claude commanded as he hurriedly started walking towards the palace holding Ara in his arms.

Lily picked me up as she hurried behind Claude. This happened because of me.

We reached at the palace and the Imperial doctors were called to treat Ara. I was getting worried sick as I wasn't allowed to see her, I didn't even know if she was alright or not!

"Then trust this older sis, I'll protect you and help you have a happy life here."

I recalled her words and couldn't help but cry as she kept her promise despite ending up in such a state.

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