38. A Demon.

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The trip was amazing and Ara was somehow starting to go back to her usual routine, she would go to the training grounds and spar with the knights but the difference was that she was actually the one to teach them.

Well, she did say that she had taught the legendary swordsmaster Paseton Robane how to wield a sword so I guess, this was pretty much normal for her.

Not to mention, Felix had been training very hard these days and been tagging along Ara, it seemed like she and he had had talked about something that made him follow her like a lost puppy.

Ara had also started going to her office and she started looking at the documents, though she didn't recall any of the details yet, she was still quick to catch up.

Well, she was the one who was set to be the Emperor of this empire at one point so, I shouldn't be surprised at the pace with how she worked.

Dad was worried about giving her work though but since she was doing well for the past few days he let her be. He was rather thinking that if she resumed working she might just recall something and that would be helpful.

I was used to visit her office and sat watching her while I tried to study. She would have tea with me and Dad and slowly it felt as if everything was getting better.

Until that one night.

I was in my room when the maid came rushing in.

"P-Princess, Her Highness Amara!" She heaved and my eyes widened.

"What's wrong? What happened to Ara?!"

I rushed to Ara's room and found several maids outside the room, I opened the door and found Ara inside sitting alone on the ground everything around her was shattered to pieces. It felt as if a hurricane had blown through her room.

She was sitting in complete darkness and I could hear her ragged breathing. It seemed like she was in pain.

"Ara?" I called as I took a step inside but Lily held my hand.

"No, Princess." She stopped me.

"I-It's better if we leave H-Her Highness alone for now."

"What are you saying?!"

"What's going on here?" Dad arrived with Felix and stopped beside me.

He looked inside the room and his eyes went slightly wide.

"What happened here?" He asked.

"We-We were cleaning close by when we heard H-Her Highness shouting, we rushed over to see if she was all right but when we got here... the doors were closed and there were sounds of everything being broken inside... We asked for her to open the door but... The room had already turned like this..." Hannah explained and I looked inside Ara's room.

Dad and I looked at each other before we stepped inside the room instantly feeling something crunching beneath our feet.

The only other sound that was assaulting the silence was Ara's ragged breaths which sounded like an injured tiger's.

"Don't come inside." She spoke in a low guttaral voice making me go stiff.

"Ara... are you in pain again?" Dad asked.

"Leave me alone." She spoke in the same tone and Dad and I exchanged a look.

"Ara, you can tell us." I spoke but she looked up and I could feel as if I was standing only a step away from death. Her hair hung over her right eye and her left eye glowed with fiery blue hue, her lips were curled back revealing her teeth as she snarled.

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