58. Towards The Last Step Of The Plan.

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"Ara?" I felt someone shaking me, I groaned as I turned taking the large hand which I knew was Dad's.

"Ara, wake up!" I heard Athy's voice and I groaned before snuggling closer to Dad's who I felt was lying close to me.

"Ara, wake up already!" I groaned again as I clung onto Dad.

"Ara, you waking up or not?!" Athy shouted.


"Ara, Jeanette came to me last night, she said she might have heard Anastacius talking with Athernitas." Athy said and I kept snuggling to Dad.

"She must have..." I mumbled as I felt myself going back to sleep.

"Ugh, since when did you become like this? Get up already!"

"I'm on a break, Athy. I and Dad are recuperating, can't you see?"

"Like hell you are! I can feel you following me around whole day and helping me with work and even threaten those nobles who try to get on my nerves." She said and I lied with my arms around Dad.

"And currently, you might just be choking Dad."

I quickly loosened my arms and opened my eyes to see Dad lying beside me.

"Did I choke you?" I asked him.


I curled my arms around his arm and closed my eyes again.

"Oh, God! Ara, wake up! I don't want to face those people without you."

"You need to learn, Athy."

"And you need to teach me!"

"Just go if she insists, Ara. This was your plan to begin with."

"Are you taking her side too, Dad?"

"Bleh, Daddy loves me more." Athy teased and I chuckled.

"I love you more."

"Ugh, just get up, if you do." She said and I sighed before I sat up letting go of Dad's arm.

"Geez, what will you do without me?" I groaned as I rubbed my eyes.

"Just what were you dreaming about? You were asleep so deeply." She said and I yawned tempted to go back to sleep and I almost did making Athy to drag me out of the bed.

"We'll see you later Daddy!" Athy chirped as she pulled me out of Dad's room after having a look outside.

I simply snapped my fingers casting an invisiblity and noise cancellation spell on us.

"We're invisible now start speaking." I said and she told me as how Jeanette was feeling sleepless last night so she went out for a stroll and ended up hearing voices from Anastacius' room which sounded like him talking with someone else.

"She said his behaviour was quite odd as well, even his eyes." Athy said as we made it to my room.

"Did she come to your room immediately?"

"No, she went back to her room and after thinking for some time she decided to come to me to relay this message to you." I nodded as I walked inside the bathroom.

"I'll get ready and come to office. Go ahead for now."

"Be quick, okay?"

"Just go ahead already!"

After a while I teleported to Athy's office where she would be and stood behind her watching as she was getting reports from the two nobles.

"I'm here."

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