Bonus Chapter 2.

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Amara de Alger Obelia rode her favourite horse alongside the Crown Prince of Eorka Empire.

The guy was quite tall and well built with a handsome face and ruby red eyes, his golden blonde hair seemed to gleam as the sunlight fell on them giving him an ethereal look.

Ara had almost killed the guy on the battlefield but once she got to know that he was suffering from a familial conflict and because of his stepmother, the Queen she had somehow recalled her past life when she was Athelinda and how she was also forced to be on the battlefield since young age so that she could die.

She had pushed those thoughts down thinking that if she helped at least one such person who was in similar circumstances then she would feel a bit more better.

"Callisto Regulus, so, you have someone you like then?" Ara asked and the said guy turned to look at her.

"Yes." He smiled, his face didn't hold the expression of giddiness of the one who was thinking of his first love but his eyes affirmed his answer.

"Good for you."

"I heard you have a son and a daughter, how come you don't look your age?"

Ara laughed, "Its because of magic, the mana makes us age slowly."

Callisto nodded, "You shouldn't worry, you seem to be one of those types who would look young even in their old age."

Callisto smirked and Ara copied it, it was after a long time that she had found a guy who was like-minded. They both were equally brutal on the battlefield and hellishly strong which made them compete and then become friends.

"How old is your son again?"

"He's 15. He's really handsome too, you know? I'll introduce you two, you'll be good friends, you seem to be of similiar type."

Callisto laughed, he hadn't ever thought he'd find any friend and now he was talking freely with a woman who just a few days ago was his enemy.

"What about your girl? Tell me something about her." Ara asked.

"She's really beautiful, almost like a little rabbit. She also quite mischievous and jumpy, I always enjoy whatever antics she pulls." He smiled as he spoke and Ara noticed the slight tinge of pink dusting his cheeks.

"That's good, hope she isn't scared of you."

"She isn't, actually she was the one who had first proposed me, she said she liked my hair and it looks like gold."

Ara laughed, "That reminds me of my sister."

"Well, continue, what did you do after she proposed you?"

"I didn't believe her at first, well, I nearly cut her throat."

Ara's eyebrows jumped, "You did what?"

"Well, I didn't expect her to say that and to be honest, it really seemed like she was lying and trust me, she's lied to me a lot of times but... she somehow ended up around me again and again so, I kind of thought I'd give it a chance."

"Hm, typical story of a bad boy meeting a good girl."

"Good girl? Her?" He spoke and chuckled, "she's just like me though. If I'm called the Barbarian of the Royal Family then she's called the Mad Dog of her family."

Ara laughed, "What's with these titles?"

"Well, I don't think she's like that though, she can be a bit naive but she isn't stupid."

Ara smiled noticing as how the lovestruck boy was speaking of his girl.

"Ah, the young love." She said and the guy looked at her.

I'm The Princess's Twin?! (Lucas X OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें