46. Athelinda and Lucas.

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Athelinda de Alger Obelia.

Lucas couldn't get the name out of his head after he'd sent her away. He suddenly recalled his Master's face who used to try and teach him about human life and human relations.

"I finally found something interesting after so many years, stop pestering me." He hissed waving his hand to dissipate the fog of memory from his head.

The next day the girl was back, she was quite a good fighter and a quick learner.

"First, you'll have to stop this mana that's flowing out of you." He said and she nodded.

"Now do this, pow and whoosh!" He said and the girl gave him a look.

"Do it, pow! And whoosh!" He made gestures making her sigh.

She closed her eyes and after a moment the mana that was leaking out of her stopped.

"You got it! I knew taking you in was a good idea, I am a good teacher those other idiots were too stupid." He said happily making the girl sigh again.

The days passed and the girl's mana control grew exponentially, she was a natural talent who was catching up faster than Lucas had expected. She had learned about the nature and the flow of mana within half a year and was able to influence the energy in the nature by the next year.

"You're capable of becoming my successor," Lucas commented and the now 15 year old looked at him.

"Are you kidding me? I had decided to learn mana from you because I had to protect my brother. Besides, who would want to stay in this Tower alone? I'd rather stay in woods with the animals."

Lucas had taken her words into consideration and observed the Tower, his world had started and ended at the Tower, had it ever been like that that he stepped out willingly and decided to go explore the world?

Just like that despite Lucas' idea of living his life in the Tower and not get involved with the human relations, he ended up following that human girl who was capable of bringing the world to its knees.

He would usually get bored in the Tower when Athelinda wouldn't appear so he would end up going to the palace to see her training in sword fighting.

"Is she preparing to destroy the whole world?" He muttered to himself as he observed her.

She was faster than when she had fought him, within ten minutes she had ended up throwing seven men to the ground.

"Yah, are you sure you're my father's personal guards?" She asked as she glared down at the men who seemed like they were too tired.

"Apologies, Princess! Please make us stronger!" A red-haired man spoke as he sat on his knee.

Athelinda started training the man while Lucas observed her. This girl was only 15 yet she was far more stronger than the men twice her age and she was talking down to them who had the title of the knights and not only that they were the personal guards of the Emperor.

"Like I thought, this girl had the potential." Lucas smirked self-satisfied with his decision.

"Sir Magician!" He turned to see the Emperor who stood behind him with his son.

"A-Are you perhaps here to..." His eyes went down to his son who looked up at Lucas with hopeful eyes.

"No, I'm here for her." Lucas said as he pointed at the girl who was busy fighting a man twice her size.

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