Chapter 1

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Twenty Dollars-Worth of Love

Chapter 1

"Where in the world are the eggs?" I said as I pushed the shopping cart down the aisle, the small (not to mention crappy) wheels squealing every time I moved them.

"Well, we're in the dairy section, right?" my best friend, Danielle, asked as she looked up at the sign  above us that says Dairy Section. Her straight brown hair swished softly on her back, making the soft curls at the end look ever so shiny. I always did envy my best friend's soft locks, her hair always did stand-out. Mine did, too, but it was definitely vice-versa. While Danielle's hair looked gorgeous, mine was curly, too. But unfortunately, it wasn't salon-curly, but frizzy-curly. The shades of dull red and bright orange were thrown in my blond frizz, making my hair not just ginger— but overly exaggerated ginger.

"It should be here somewhere," she said again as we passed by a freezer filled with butter and margarine.

"There they are!" I said, or more like screamed, when I saw the circle-like, pearly white eggs stacked carefully on plastic containers.

"I thought we'd never find them," Danielle said as she grabbed two crates of eggs and laid them down carefully on the shopping cart, together with the other baking essentials her Mom asked her to buy. And me, being the good best friend I am, decided to spend half of my once-in-a-blue-moon free day on grocery shopping with her. "My mom is so going to kill me if we didn't."

"You mean, if I didn't," I said sticking my nose in the air, looking so proud of myself like I just made the world's greatest discovery.

"Well, you helped," she said, not giving me the satisfaction I wanted to hear.

"Is there anything else we need to find?" I asked placing my hands on my waist.

"Flour?" she asked, her hazel eyes scanning the list her Mom gave us.

"Check," I confirmed as I found the pack of white powder inside the shopping cart.

"Baking powder?" she asked again whilst tucking a stray strand of her brown hair behind her ear.

"Umm... they're right here," I said as I found the small box with the label Baking Powder written on it.

"Sugar is here," Danielle said as she picked up the bag of crystal-like sugar. "Eggs are there," I said as I pointed a finger at the crate of eggs where we spent the past half hour looking for it.

"And everything else Mom needs are right at home," she finished my sentence for me as she stuffed the small piece of paper back in her jeans' pocket.


"Finally," I sighed in relief as we carried the brown paper bags out of the grocery store. Even though today is a weekday, strange enough people were still lined up in what seemed like a never-ending line at the cashier. Unfortunately, the other counter was currently out of service, so we had no choice but to endure another half an hour in a line of busy people, with a whiny little kid behind us.

"Thank God that was over," Danielle agreed as we walked through the store's small parking lot, where my gray car was jammed up in a sea of mini vans and beat up pick-up trucks.

"How the hell did we survived that?" I asked as I opened the trunk whilst Danielle carefully placed the grocery bags in them. 

"I seriously do not know," she said as I locked the trunk and hopped on the driver's seat then turned on the engine.

"Remind me not to stick next to a whiny kid next time," I said sarcastically, remembering the shrill, ear drum-piercing sound of the kid's cry every time he got bored.

"Right," she agreed as I grabbed the steering wheel and drove off.


"Sky, when are you planning to have a boyfriend again?" Danielle asked all of a sudden while were driving down the road.

"W-What?" I stuttered. 

"You heard me," she said while looking outside the car's window.

"I'm not sure.." I trailed off, not knowing what to say. "Besides, it's not that easy after what happened."

"But you do know I'm always here for you, right?" she asked and gave me a reassuring smile as the car stopped into a halt in front of her house.

"Of course," I said and smiled back at her.

"Bye Dane," I said as she exited the car then grabbed her grocery in the trunk.

"Bye, Sky. Take care," she said as she walked to their house. "Oh, and meet me at the cafe tomorrow after class."

I nodded my head in response as I watched her retreating figure. I rested the back of my head on the leather seat for a moment and closed my eyes.


"Your hair matches the sky," he said as he absent-mindedly stared at the sun.

 "Oh yeah," I said and looked up at the sky. It was beautiful; flashes of red and orange were splashed in the yellow-tinted clouds.

 "It's beautiful," he added. I smiled and looked at him. He looked at me and his green eyes met my crystal blue ones.

 "You're beautiful," he said and gave me a sincere smile.

 I felt my heart melt in my chest as his words rang in my head.

 You're beautiful.

End Of Flashback

I sighed and asked myself, when will I love again?

Twenty Dollars-Worth of LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ