Chapter 8

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Twenty Dollars-Worth of Love

Chapter 8

NOTE: You can play the song once you start reading the lyrics. :)

"What?" I said, I might have mistaken it for cow, or something.

"Wow," he repeated, his mouth was slightly open after saying it.

I twirled around and said, "Is it okay?"

"Yeah," he said quickly averting his gaze, like he just snapped out of his trance.

"Finally," I said stepping in the closet door. I took off the dress and changed into my shirt. 


That was Alex' first ever compliment.

That is, if wow is counted as a compliment.

Looking at the mirror I realized that my cheeks were flushed. What's with me? One guy says wow and I'm close to hyperventilating. 

"Hey, you okay there?" I heard Alex said from outside.

"Y-Yeah," I muttered under my breath. I walked closer to my full body-sized mirror and leaned my head on it.

"Sky," I said talking to myself. 

"What's gotten into you?" I asked myself, pointing a finger at the mirror.

I sighed and tried to compose myself. After a few more mintues I walked out of the closet and shuffled through my study table. There was a medium-sized book shelf there, filled with my all-time favorite novels. Honestly, I really didn't know what I'm looking for, but I sure as hell know that I needed to distract myself.

After almost five minutes of flipping through my books I realized that I have read most of them for five times already, and ten times for my favorite ones.

How can I distract myself?

Light bulb! I I went to my stereo set and popped in Taylor Swift's RED album. After a few minutes the song "22" was already blasting from the speakers.

It feels like a perfect night,

To dress up like hipsters,

And make fun of our exes.

"Uh-oh, uh-oh," I said starting to sing along. I didn't know if it was because of the song or because of the fact that I still am not completely distracted, but soon I found myself dancing to the beat.

Yeah, we're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time,

It's miserable and magical, oh yeah

Tonight's the night when we forget about the deadlines,

It's time.

"Oh-oh! I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22!" I said swaying my body as the music washed through me.

"You don't know about me, but I'll bet you want to!" I sang pointing my finger at Alex as I flipped my hair violently. I knew I was looking completely insane right now, but I didn't care.

It seems like one of those nights,

This place is too crowded,

Too many cool kids,

Uh-oh, uh-oh.

"Who's Taylor Swift anyway? Eww," I said grinning like an idiot. Alex wasn't saying anything but he was indeed amused.

Yeah, we're happy, free, confused and lonely at the best way,

It's miserable and magical, oh yeah

Tonight's the night when we forget about the heartbreaks,

It's time.

 "Oh-oh! I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22! Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you!" I said as I grabbed Alex' hand and motioned him to dance with me.

In a matter of seconds we were doing random crazy moves as the music filled my room.

"Twenty two!" I sang as Alex twirled me around even if the song was a fast one. Our breathing was fast and shallow but we couldn't care less. We were both having a great time, it was like we were the only persons in the world at that moment.

It just feels so.. right.

Ooh ooh, ooh ooh,

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeaahh!

"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22! Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you!" I sang loudly as I led Alex to the bed. As the song continued, we we're already jumping around my bed as he held my hand and twirled me around. We even attempted to throw pillows at each other, but realizing there were only three pillows on my bed we stopped hitting each other with pillows. By the time the song has ended, I threw myself on the bed and closed my eyes as my chest heaved up and down.

"That was.. that was so fun!" I exclaimed not opening my eyes. The bed moved again and when I opened my eyes Alex was lying on his side and leaning over me.

"You.. you were awesome," he said in between gasps of air.

Two compliments in a row, I said to myself.

I smiled and just laid there, trying to regulate my breathing. I never felt so alive in my whole life, although sometimes at gym classes I would rather get hit by a dodge ball in the face than dance in front of everyone.

This one was different, it was a whole new experience. I didn't even felt a hint of being uncomfortable when we danced. It just felt so wonderful.

How is this even possible?  I thought to myself. I just met him yesterday and now he's making me feel different. How can so many things change in merely two days? And Alex, this frustrating, crazy, ego-centric but ridiculously good-looking jerk, was he for real?

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