Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It took exactly one whole minute before my mind managed to comprehend what was going on. 

"Alex." I began, turning my head slowly to the side to look at him.

"Yes?" he answered, his dirty blonde hair tousled as it gleamed in the moonlight.

"W-why are we here?" I said, my lower lip slightly trembling as I did. 

He moved closer, eyebrows furrowed slightly when he saw my reaction. In one movement his arm was wrapped around my shoulder, in a new, comforting way. "To get rid of your fear of heights."

"But.." I began, my eyes were watering now, just thinking about being several feet above the ground made me feel sick.

"Don't worry," Alex said; the arm that had been on my shoulder slid down, then I felt his hand held mine, and gave it an assuring squeeze.

He tugged at my hand gently, urging me to walk with him. Swallowing my fear, I walked with him until we reached a number of hot air balloons, safe and steady on solid ground.

I hope they actually stay on solid ground.

But, of course, a few minutes later, Alex was already helping me to get on one. I was nervous, I don't think I have been this nervous in my entire life.

"This is insane," I said. "When this is over, and we're both still alive, I'm going to kill you, you stupid bastard."

Alex chuckled lightly as we both waited for the hot air balloon to rise. Actually, he was waiting, I was merely standing there, my eyes closed tightly, and hoping against hope that this would all be over soon.

Then the ground I was standing on shook, and my hands groped around for something to hold on. 

"Hey, ouch!" I heard Alex' voice, I'm guessing I hit him on the shoulder, and once again his hand found mine. Although I'm finding it really hard to concentrate on staying alive while Alex' warm and slightly calloused hand was on mine, I might as well use his hand as my something to hold on to as the balloon rose higher and higher in the air, the breeze gently whipping my hair.

"Is it over yet?" I asked when, for at least five seconds, the balloon was steady.

"Open your eyes, Sky." His voice was gentle yet full of authority, as if trying to say that if I don't open my eyes he'll throw me off of the hot air balloon.

"No," I said, shaking my head defiantly, as I heard booming sounds in the distance. "What's that?" I asked, my voice rising slightly.

"Open your eyes and you'll know," he whispered. Yes, he whispered, his breath was much closer now as I felt a minty breeze behind my ear.

"Come on, open them." Oh no. Now I felt his hands on my waist. What was he trying to do? Alex' actions were making me ten times more nervous than I was when I first stepped on this thing we're riding on.

One. Two. Three.

I fluttered my eyes open, and the inky blue-black sky greeted my sight.

It was beyond beautiful.

There were fireworks everywhere, exploding like sparkling colors in the distance, making the night sky much more colorful than any other time of the day.

"This is beautiful," I said, smiling and turning my head slightly to the left.

Surprisingly, the scene I saw was much more breath-taking.

Alex was right behind me, both hands on my waist as his face was rested on the crook of my neck.

I laughed, this reminded me so much of Titanic.

"What's so funny?" he asked, smiling back at me, his deep blue eyes surveying my laughing expression.

"Nothing," I said as I turned my head back towards the magnificent firework show.


"Thank you," I said as me and Alex walked towards my house's front door. After the ride-- which managed to somehow get rid of my fear-- we walked along the grassy place where he brought me, and ate ice cream before he drove me home.

"It's fine," he smiled at me.

"What are you playing at?" I asked him playfully.

"What?" he said, his forehead creased in confusion.

"Well, you're way too kind tonight," I answered.

"Tonight? I'm kind just tonight?" he asked, putting on a face that said you-ungrateful-little-girl.

I laughed, and said, "Fine, fine. But really though, thanks.. pancake."

The word slipped out of my mouth before I even knew it.

Alex looked straight at my eyes, eyebrows raised as if he hadn't been expecting me to call him that. Well, I wasn't expecting it myself.

For the third time tonight, he held my hand, and in a swift movement he pulled me towards him. My heart was hammering inside my chest as he looked at me, his head bent down slightly.

One, two, three seconds passed, and the next thing I knew Alex bent down a little bit more, until I felt his lips brush against mine for a very short moment.

"You're welcome, pancake."

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