Chapter 12: The Fight That Went Horrible Wrong.

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Jasmine was about to finish Luna, but, all of sudden she gets punched across the face by Damien!! Well Azie pulls out Luna from the ring, checking to see if she was still breathing, Eunji rushed over to her, and started crying, as she was about to loose an friend.

Announcer: Woah who is this guy?

He said as he runs into the ring, where Ginny is seeing if Jasmine is alright.

Announcer: Who are you?

Damien: Luna's brother!

Announcer: Do you have a name?

Damien: It's Damien.

The crowd started to whisper to one of eachother, Damien looked hella pissed off at what's going on here and at Luna, but, he was worried about her.

Ginny: It can't be here!

Damien: Who says that?

Ginny: I di-

Jasmine: You want to fight let's fight, but, you will loose.

Damien: We will see about that.

He said as he takes off his jacket and shirt, they handed him gloves but he ignored them, she takes off her gloves, and starts running towards him, he dodges out of the way, moving to the left side of her. She than bounces back at him, and he reaches his arm out, Jasmine hits his arm and falls onto the mat, in so much anger.

Well this is happening back to Eunji, Azie, and Luna:

Eunji: How is she doing?

Azie: She's hardly breathing, I need to do CPR on her.

??: You will do no such thing! If she dies Jasmine and Ginny win the battle!

Azie: And you go to prison all of you no matter what, and I'll make sure of it. But for now, I'll half to deal with you myself.

Eunji: No, ill deal with these bums.

??: Haha good luck, there is more of us than is with you.

Eunji: Who says that?

She said as she points to the exit, where 6 people coming, it was Addy, Rose, Violet, Niko, Carter, and Theo.

??: What the hell! Who are these people.

Rose: Dont you see the news kid.

???: Oh my god! Thats Each Dawn!

Addy: Yeah thats right, we are Each Dawn, you got a problem with that?

???: No problem, cause we are going to beat you the hell up!

Carter and Theo looked at each other, laughing, as they both knew they shouldve never said that, Ginny's boyfriend, and friends both grabbed some weapons to use, well they just use their hands to beat these punks. They charged towards them all, and they begin to fight, well Damien is fighting Jasmine, and well that was happening, Ginny was watching the whole thing, and was getting furious.

Ginny: Eunji!!

Eunji heard her name being called by Ginny, as she was fighting the bums, she looks over to see Ginny walking towards her, and pushing her friends out of the way.

Ginny: How dare you ruin everything!!

Eunji: What did I do to ruin everything for you!!

Ginny: You got into Moonshine, and I didnt!!

Eunji was confused, until it hit her in the head, from years ago.

Flashback: Audition for the new group of Moonshine.

???: Next!

Ginny walks to the X area where she starts singing, the CEO of Dream On, were reacting cringe as her singing wasnt good at all. And her dancing was horrible, at the time when both her and Eunji were line up for their audition of the group, they became friends, but, not super close, just friends.

Eunji: Hope you do good, and get in!

Ginny: Yeah me too, what are you audition with?

Eunji: Rapping, what about you?

Ginny: Vocal.

Eunji: Oh cool, well good luck, it looks like you are up next!

She waved goodbye and starts singing, thats when the CEO of the company, started to cringe really hard, that the other CEO's started to agree with him, that she wasnt an good singer at all.

CEO: Ima have to stop you there. By any chance can you rap?

Ginny: I can try.

She said as she started to rap, but, she wasnt good at that either, and her voice cracked at the end, the CEO's took a deep sigh out, and started to talk to one another, than looking back at her.

CEO 2: Sorry to say this, but, you arent good at vocals, rapping or dancing, and thats what we need, is someone good at it. Please leave.

Ginny: I didnt get in?

CEO 3: No sorry.

Ginny was so upset that she left, Eunji tried to stop her, and talk to her, but, she was next to perform into front of them. They loved Eunji for her rapping skills, and dance performs, that she was than accepted in. When her first dance performance with Moonshine came out, Ginny saw everything on the tv, and she was furious. She thought that the person she thought as a friend, wouldnt get in just like her, but, it turns out she got accept and that made her mad.

Present Time:

Eunji shaked her head, just in time as Ginny about to throw an punch at her. She dodges out of the way, and throws an punch to her ribs, which makes Ginny groan in pain, as she falls to the ground.

Eunji: Im sorry about everything. But, we shouldn't fight like this at all.

She said as she stares at her, with a sad look on her face. Eunji reaches her hand out for Ginny to take so she can help her up. She slaps it away and gets up herself grabbing her sister, and walking out of there. Niko walks over to Eunji placing her hand on her shoulder.

Niko: She will come around eventually, just gotta give her time. But for now let's worry about Luna.

We all hurried to Luna, lifting her up, and taking her into the car. Driving her to wherever or whoever can help us, luckily there was one person who can help us and it was Carter's friend James.

James: Place her on the table!

He said we placed her down carefully, and he started to help her. It 3 hours of helping Luna, and we were all getting super worried, especially Eunji after all she blamed herself for everything. Finally James enters and everyone stands up to go to him.

Addy: How is she James?

James: She is....

To be continued...

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