Chapter 13: Visitors

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James: She is....going to be okay. Needs tons of rest.

Niko: Thank you James. 

James: Your welcome. Good thing you guys made it there just time, or she would've been um dead. 

Violet: What?! If we didnt come? 

James: Yes, whatever you guys were doing, need to be more careful, or one of you could possible die. 

He said as he looks at us, Azie, Addy, and Rose agreed that it was best for them to take a break from doing anything dangerous and leave it to the professionals. Which made the girls sad, but, they had to since they didnt want to loose anyone, since they are like sisters to one another. 

Rose: Come on ill take you guys back to your place. 

Carter: Ill follow behind you. 

Theo: Same.

Azie: Ill stay here with Luna. 

Damien: Same. You should go with them Addy. 

Addy: Are you sure? 

Damien: Yes, they are going to need an badass like you to keep an eye on them. 

Azie punches Damien in the arm, and he looks at her well rubbing his arm. 

Damien: What the heck was that for? 

Azie: Rose and I are also badass too Damien. 

Damien: Okay fine. Geez didnt need to punch that hard. 

Azie: Sorry not sorry. 

Addy: Okay, enough both of you, i feel like you guys are siblings or something. 

Damien: We dont even look alike. 

Addy: You guys have that vibe you know. I mean you act like brother and sister. 

Azie and Damien looked at each other, and realized she was right, they do give off an sibling vibe. 

Back to Moonshine girls: 

Once we got back to the apartment, Eunji sat on the couch feeling sadden that she almost just killed Luna, Rose went to make something to eat, and handed some food to Niko and Violet, as she made her way over to Eunji, and placed the bowl down. Eunji didnt even touch it, and instead started to think of something. Carter noticed it, and pointed it out to the others that were there. 

Carter: What are you thinking about? 

Eunji: Nothing. 

Carter: Yeah, right I know a face when someone is thinking. What's really on your mind. 

He said as he sat across from her, in a chair, waiting for her to answer back. She sighed, and started to tell him everything. 

Eunji: I almost killed Luna! 

Carter: It wasnt your fault, you needed someone to help you, with whatever you had to deal with, I dont think she realized how strong that other person was. 

Eunji: But, I feel super bad, what if Luna hates me forever. 

She said as falls onto her side on the couch, pouting. Carter looked at Rose, who too felt bad. Eunji than started to cry as she as so heartbroken, Rose came over to her and started to comfort her well the other two members Niko and Violet look at one another. 

Back to Damien and Azie with Luna: 

Both of them started to walk back and forth, as they started to wait for Luna to wake up. Damien looked through James fridge since he was hungry, as he was looking, he heard something, from outside and walked over to the big window to noticed that a group of people were making their way to their apartment, he noticed an familiar face and realized it was Jasmine. He rushes into the room, where Luna and Azie were. 

Damien: We got a problem! 

Azie: What is it?

Damien: I guess Jasmine didnt like the fact she lost because she is here and she brought a lot of people with her. 

Azie: What are you kidding me right now? 

Once she finished her sentence she heard an loud bang come from James door. It was no other than Jasmine and her friends. James exited his room, to go see what the noise was about, he was shocked to see how many people were inside his home right now. Jasmine looked over at him, and he had pure fear inside of his eyes. 

Jasmine: Where are they!? 

James: I dont know who you are talking about! 

She grabs him by the shirt lifting him up in the air, he freaked out closing his eyes as he thought he was about to get punched in the face. Which he was right since she was about to punch him, but, something hits on the head, she looks behind her to see that Azie had throwing an tv remote at her. 

Azie: We are right here you big baby.

Jasmine dropped James, and he ran into his room shutting the door and locking it. Damien exits the room which he was with Luna, he looks at Jasmine, who than set her friends to go after them. 

Damien: Who do  you want to deal with?

Azie: Ill deal with Jasmine, you work on guarding Luna.

She said as she heads on over to Jasmine and starts fighting her. Well Damien takes care of the others. Making sure none of them hurt Luna. As they continued to fight it wasnt what they thought was going to happen, they thought they were going to win this battle, but, Jasmine and her friends were winning this battle. 

Back in the bedroom where Luna is:

She could hear what was going on, she woke up, and groaned in pain, as she was hurting, she gets out of bed limping over to the door, to open it a tiny bit and realized that Jasmine was choking Azie, and that Jasmine and her friends were beating Damien on the ground. Luna shuts the door, and starts to think of something she will definitely regret and will definitely get hurt more. 

Luna swings the door open, and rushes over to Azie, kicking Jasmine right in the face, she lets go Azie, as Azie started to cough super hard, Luna looks  back, and hurries over to go and help Damien. Both Damien and Azie were very hurt, Luna was going to deal with these punks without them. 

Luna: Round 2?

Jasmine: This time you will die for sure!

Luna: Lets see about that. 

She said as she smirks at Jasmine, who than sent her friends to attack her. Luna was beating all of them. Luna makes her move over to Jasmine, and grabs her by the hair slamming her face onto the table 4 times which makes Jasmine face super bloodily. She than lets go and kicks Jasmine on the chest, she falls onto the couch, Azie and Damien knew right away was about to happen, they had to stop her!

Azie: Luna! NO!

Luna throws her leg about to finish Jasmine off, but, she just places her foot on Jasmine's neck. Jasmine looked scared.

Luna: I will not kill you, but, I will tell you, if you or your friends come anywhere near my friends or family, I will and I mean it. Ill kill you. 

She said as she looked furious, Jasmine nodded her head in agreement and left with her friends, Luna looks over to Azie and Damien, who rushed over to her, and made sure she was okay.

Damien: You know James is going to be mad, when he realizes you weren't resting, and instead fighting.

Luna: I dont care, all I care about its guys being alive. 

She said as she hugs them both. 

Luna: But, thank you.

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