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I was damn near the first person outside when the final bell rang. I was so excited that I almost forgot about the promise that I wish I never made.

"Over here lil daddy!" He shouted so everyone could hear...I already wanted this to be over with.

I ambled along the sidewalk, hoping that he didn't draw attention to me. Once I reached where he was standing, I slapped him on his arm as hard as I could.

"Bitch you extra" I said, climbing into the car but not before giving him a dirty look.

He just smiled, closing the door behind me and continuing to get in on the driver's side. "I told you don't call me that shit...you get on my nerves"

"Get used to it lil daddy" He said, putting his hand on my chin.

What be wrong with niggas?

He focused on the road, making a couple wrong turns. "Your cousin picked up Skylar..well, I went to your crib and told him to"

"Stalker? I need to go to the crib anyway, I ain't got no pape on me" I said, hoping that would be a good enough excuse to cancel on him.

"Who said you was paying for anything? Don't even play with me like that love"

Maybe I should just jump out the car

He reached his hand over to grab mine as he continued to drive. Now that I think about it, this nigga could be about to kill me and bury me somewhere.

Well, maybe I'll get a last meal

To my surprise, he pulled into the parking lot of this library/restaurant. I've lived in Chicago my whole life, but never traveled far into the city so certain things seemed like I would have only seen them in movies.

"You into reading?" I asked, still in shock at the location that he picked. "Love it" He answered, quickly climbing out of the car to open my door before I got a chance to.

Maybe I was being a little rude earlier, mhm?

I got out of the car, walking alongside him. I could feel him glancing at me every once in a while... He couldn't be slick even if he tried.

He took my hand, pulling me closer. "What's on yo mind lil daddy?"

Not to be that person, but all this love and affection shit don't sit right with me.

I shrugged my shoulders, ignoring the fact that he was squeezing the life out of my hands.

He opened the door, staying hella close behind me. It wasn't crowded at all, which was a good thing.

He must bring his hoes here, cause who he tryna impress?

We sat down at a table that was closer to the library.

"Ian ate all day, I'd rather starve than eat that school food" I said, breaking the silence between us.

He smiled at me, like I was joking..I'll eat you out of house and home.

"Get what you want lil folks"

Aye... it's better than lil daddy!

"Well, since this is a so-called date we could at least get to know each other" I said, taking a look at the menu.

We both stared at each other for a moment, seeing who would break the silence first.

I was kind of happy that it was the waiter.

I'm not big on trying new things at all, so my order was as simple as his. We have something in common I guess..some slight.

He played with his fingers while staring at me, I guess waiting for me to say something. "Ian gon do too much, why you be avoiding me"

Bitch you be stalking me

"I don't do new people, or relationships..Why you be stalking me?"

He thought about his answer for a moment, I stared at his eyes...they were kind of cute.

"I don't give up easily I guess, I got what I wanted" He said as he looked me up and down. "You mines, yo ass don't know it yet"

This hoe crazy


Me and Durk sat in the parking lot of the apartment complex, and surprisingly I had a great time but I still had to break the news to him, in my situation, this would never would work.

I laid my head on the window, observing the people outside. "I don't want to go to school tomorrow, I'm so tired of this shit foe"

"Stay with me tonight" He suggested. "Baylo can take Skylar to school can't he?"

I turned to him, trying to find the right words to tell him no. It's not that I didn't want to, but I couldn't.

"I had a great time with you, I loved every second..but I'm a street nigga. I come with too many problems and I don't need anybody having to deal with my mess." I explained.

"I still like-"

"What's that supposed to stop? You don't know me lil daddy" He smiled, leaning over to kiss me.

"I want whatever comes with you, bad or not. Plus what nigga gon touch me? It'll be a cold day in hell!"

I sighed, just letting it go.

"I still gotta get Skylar up for school, pick me up maybe?"

He nodded his head, grabbing my face and attacking me with kisses. I know I said I wasn't with all that love and affection shit, but he do something to me.

He waited until I got into the house before pulling off.

I regret getting out of that car, I was too into the moment to realize what I was coming home to.

𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴𝘰𝘯Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ