Chapter 29

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Siya's pov:

The leaves rustled and crunched underfoot as the cool October breeze swept through the trees. The sky was a deep blue, with a few fluffy white clouds lazily drifting overhead. The air was crisp and refreshing, and a sense of calm seemed to settle over everything. The sun was warm on the skin, but not too hot, and the smell of woodsmoke and fallen leaves filled the air. It was the perfect weather for long walks in the park, cosying up with a good book and a warm cup of tea, or simply enjoying the beauty of the changing season.

Zian decided to celebrate my birthday, I told him I don't like many people but he said it will be just family and friends, I agreed with this. It was evening and I was ready, the party is in Deshmukh mansion only. When Zian came towards me with slow steps and said "I have something for you," I asked, "What is it."

"You will see it when we will go downstairs," he said and blindfolded my eyes.

I could feel we come out of the room when we stopped at the stairs, "Zian walk slowly on the stairs or else I'll fall," I chuckled when he said, "I don't think you will face any such problem," before I could think of anything I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist, lifting me off the ground and into his embrace. As if I was weightless in his arms, feeling safe and secure as he held me close. The world around me disappeared as he carried me away, our hearts beating in unison. It was a moment I would never forget. I was feeling all warm and fuzzy.

I hope no one is downstairs watching us. We reached and put me down I balanced myself and then opened the blindfold As he removed the blindfold, my heart began to race with anticipation. I had no idea what to expect, but I knew that he had put a lot of thought into this gift. As the light flooded in, I saw the present in front of me, and I was speechless. It was more beautiful than anything I could have imagined, a testament to his creativity and his love for me. I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked at it, and I knew that this was a moment that I would never forget. It was a moment of pure joy, a time when everything else faded away and all that mattered was the two of us. I looked at him, and I knew that I would always treasure this gift, and the moment that came with it. An aquarium in the living room filled with gold fishes and other beautiful fishes.

"Zian.." I muttered crying seeing the gift, tears began to stream down my face. It was more beautiful than anything I could have imagined, and I was overwhelmed with emotion. He saw my tears and reached out to wipe them away, his touch gentle and reassuring. I looked up at him, and I knew that he understood how much this gift meant to me. It was a moment of pure connection, a time when words were unnecessary. I felt his hand on my cheek, and I knew that I would always remember this moment, this gift, and the love that we shared.

"Hey please don't cry," he said and wiped my tears and hugged me As he wrapped his arms around me, I felt the weight of his body against mine. His touch was gentle, his embrace reassuring. He rubbed my back in slow, circular motions, and I felt myself begin to relax. It was a moment of pure comfort, a time when everything else faded away and all that mattered was the two of us. I could feel his warmth against my skin, and I knew that I was safe in his arms. It was a moment that I would always treasure, a testament to the power of touch to communicate more than words ever could.

I then met everyone, saying thanks to everyone who wished me, we all were talking, Abhiman was also there, he wished me and gave me a hug. But as I looked up, I saw a flicker of jealousy in Zian's eyes. It was a moment of confusion, a time when I wasn't sure what to do or say. I could feel his grip tighten, It was a moment that I would never forget, a testament to the complexity of human relationships. I looked at him and gave him a small smile.

As I picked up the knife, I felt a sense of anticipation. The cake in front of me was a work of art, three layers of perfect sweetness, each one more delicious than the last. I looked around the room, and I saw the faces of my friends and family, all gathered around to celebrate with me. And next to me was my favourite person in this entire universe my Zian, my only Zian. It was a moment of pure joy, a time when everything else faded away and all that mattered was the cake and the people I loved. I took a deep breath, and I began to cut. The knife sliced through the layers with ease, and I felt a sense of satisfaction as I lifted out the first piece. I looked around the room again, and I saw the smiles on everyone's faces. It was a moment that I would always remember, a time when everything was right with the world.

As we sat around the table, I felt a sense of gratitude wash over me. The night had been perfect, a luxurious celebration of my birthday that I would never forget. I looked around the room, and I saw the faces of my friends and family, all gathered around to celebrate with me. But it was Zian who had made it all possible, who had spared no expense to make sure that everything was perfect. The food was exquisite, the wine flowed freely, and the atmosphere was one of pure joy. I looked at Zian, and I knew that I was the luckiest person in the world. It was a moment of pure love, a time when everything else faded away and all that mattered was the two of us. I took his hand, and I felt a sense of connection that I had never felt before. It was a moment that I would always remember, a testament to the power of love to transform even the most ordinary moments into something extraordinary.

In your eyes, I see a world Of beauty, grace, and light A world that shines so brightly It fills me with delight In your touch, I feel a warmth That melts away my fears A warmth that wraps around me And dries away my tears In your heart, I find a love That's pure and true and strong A love that's like a beacon Guiding me my whole life long And in your arms, I find a home A place where I belong A place where I am safe and loved And where my heart sings its song For you are my heart, my soul, my love My everything, my all And I will cherish you forever Until the very end of it all.
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