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Trisha's pov:

I stood by the window, the soft glow of the sun illuminating my tear-streaked face. It had been years since that fateful day, but the memories were as vivid as ever. "I regret leaving him on the wedding day," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion.

My heart weighed heavy with the burden of my decision, the choice to walk away from the man I loved. "I regret going away from him,"I continued, my words tinged with remorse. The pain of that choice had never truly left me, despite my attempts to move forward.

A bittersweet mix of emotions washed over me as I thought about his life after my departure. "I feel sadness and happiness," I admitted, my heart conflicted. Sadness for the time lost and the love forsaken, but also happiness that he had found a new path and a new love.

Seeing him happily married with a family of his own filled me with a complex blend of emotions. "He moved on and married and has a happy life with his wife and children," I murmured, the ache in my chest intensifying. I wished him well, even if it meant I couldn't be a part of his happiness.

As I gazed out the window, I wondered if he ever thought of me, if he ever regretted not fighting harder for our love. But life had its own way of unfolding, and I knew I had to accept the consequences of my choices.

With a heavy sigh, I wiped away my tears and tried to find solace in the knowledge that I had to let go and find my own path forward. The past was a painful chapter, but I couldn't let it define my future. And so, with renewed determination, I took a deep breath and stepped away from the window, ready to face the world and create a new story for herself.

I came to the park to have some peace and fresh air as I'll be again travelling back to Korea, I came to meet my parents, I come here every year. But then I looked at a family happily and a thought came, I'm longing for you back I caused you the pain you did not deserve, how can you say I'll not understand cause it fucking hurts to see you with her.

I fell for the innocent boy without knowing he would turn into an amazing man but still, the truth was the innocent boy was never mine and neither was the amazing man, and still, I want to cherish every bit of him cause he was my most favorite chapter and alwavs will be even if I find someone new"

I looked at him, my heart full of love and admiration. He had changed so much since the time I had left him, but he was still the same person at his core. The innocent boy I had fallen for had grown into an amazing man, and even though he was never truly mine, I couldn't help but cherish every moment we had shared.

I had never expected to fall for him, but there was something about him that drew me in. Maybe it was his kind heart, or his infectious smile, or the way he always knew just what to say to make me feel better. Whatever it was, I knew that I was lucky to have him in my life.

As time went on, he had grown and changed, but he had never lost that spark that had drawn her to him in the first place. He was still caring, still kind, still the same person I had fallen in love with all those years ago.

But even though I loved him deeply, I knew that he was never truly mine. He was my most favorite chapter, the one I would always look back on with fondness and love, even if I found someone new.

Because no matter what the future held, he would always hold a special place in her heart, and I would always be grateful for the time we had shared.

I stood there, watching the sunset over the horizon. It was a beautiful sight, but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't help but think of him, the man I had fallen in love with despite knowing that we could never be together.

I saw him there, with his wife and kids, and my heart ached. I knew that I could have anything I wanted with just a snap of my fingers, but the kind of happiness he had with his family was something I knew I would never be able to have.

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