Chapter 47

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Siya' pov:

The next day, I woke up early, feeling restless and uneasy. As I got out of bed and turned on the TV and began flipping through channels, searching for something to distract me from my thoughts.

That's when I saw it. On the news, there was a report about a famous singer Trisha Agarwal who had been spotted with Deshmukh's Empire CEO. And there, on the screen, was my husband, Zian sitting next to her, then helping her to sit in his car his arm around her waist.

I felt sick to my stomach then I took a deep breath and know how these reporters portrays the things I knew that Zian loved me deeply and he told me about that incident to. But I also knew that he had a past, and that he had been in a relationship with Trisha.

As I sat there, watching the news, I began to realize that I had been too quick to judge him. I closed the TV and went to play with my daughter.

After sometimes I scrolling my Instagram and I couldn't believe what I was reading. The comments on the internet were filled with vitriol and hatred, all directed at me. They were coming from the fans of Trisha, and they were attacking me with everything they had.

I had never expected it to be this bad. The comments were vicious, filled with insults and accusations. They called me names, accused me of being a gold digger and a home wrecker. They said that I was ugly and stupid, that I didn't deserve to be with my husband.

But then something unexpected happened. I received a notification on my phone, indicating that the Trisha had posted a story on Instagram. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I really wanted to see what it was.

But curiosity got the better of me, and I clicked on the notification. What I saw made her heart skip a beat.

It was a video of Trisha, looking directly into the camera, her eyes filled with sincerity.

"I know that some of you have been leaving hateful comments about my ex-boyfriend's wife," she said. "And I just want to say that that's not okay. You should understand that she's a human being, just like the rest of us. And she doesn't deserve to be treated that way."

She went on to talk about how hurtful and damaging online hate could be, and how important it was for people to remember that there were real people behind the screens.

"I'm not saying that you have to like her," she said. "But I am saying that you have to treat her with respect. She's a part of my ex-boyfriend's life now, and if he's happy, that's all that matters. So please, let's put an end to the hate."

The video ended, and the screen went black. I sat there for a moment, stunned. I had never expected Trisha to come to my defense like that.

But as I looked at the comments on my own social media pages, I saw that the Trisha's words had had an impact. People were starting to apologize, to back down, to see me as a person, not just a target.

And I realized that maybe, just maybe, there was hope for the internet after all. Maybe people could learn to be kind, even in the face of hate. Maybe they could learn to see each other as human beings, not just as enemies.

I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I closed my social media apps and put my phone down.

I received a message from Trisha, apologizing for the behaviour of her fans and expressing her hope that they could move past this and find a way to coexist peacefully.

I was touched by the gesture, and I responded with a message, thank You Trisha for your support and for expressing the hope that we could find a way to move forward.

And so, thanks to the power of social media and the courage of one person to speak out against hate, a small step had been taken towards a more compassionate and understanding world. A world where people could disagree without resorting to cruelty and where differences were celebrated, not demonized.

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