Chapter 35

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I was sitting on couch and ogling my own husband while he is going through some files with a frown on his face. How he managed to look handsome with a frown.

"Siya what happened, why are looking at me like this" He said, without even looking at me.  I pouted, how to not look at him, while he is looking way too handsome for me.

"What you want me to do then, to look at another man."  he looked at me with furrowed brows.

"What did you say?" he said closing the file, I got up from couch slowly, by keeping one hand on my bump and other on couch hand rest.

I made my way towards him and sat on his lap while circling my hands around his neck, he secured his hands around my waist.

I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest as I looked at him, his eyes fixed on mine. I felt my cheeks flush as I stammered out the words.

"You are looking handsome," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

He smiled at me, a slow, easy smile that made my heart skip a beat. I couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous around him, he was so charming, so effortlessly impassive. It was hard not to be drawn in by his charisma.

As we conversed, I found myself getting lost in his deep black eyes. There was something about him that made me feel safe, even as I knew that he was capable of great danger. I felt a sense of comfort in his presence, a feeling that I had never experienced before.

Looking back on that moment, I can still feel the warmth of his smile, the way his eyes crinkled at the corners. It was a moment of pure joy, a moment that I will always treasure.

I felt his lips on mine, soft and tender. It was a moment of pure bliss, a moment that I had been waiting for since the day we met. I felt so safe in his arms, so loved and cherished.

As he pulled away, I felt a sense of longing, a desire for more. But then he surprised me, moving his lips down to my belly bump. I gasped in surprise, feeling a jolt of pleasure run through my body.

I watched as he kissed my belly bump. It was such a tender moment, one that I knew I would never forget. I felt so lucky to have him by my side, to share this incredible journey with him.

As he looked up at me, his eyes filled with love and tenderness, I knew that I had found my soulmate. I felt so grateful for this moment, this beautiful moment of connection and love. And as I looked down at my belly bump, I knew that our love would only grow stronger with each passing day.

I closed my eyes feeling heavenly in his arms. We heard a knock, a servant came in with food.

I looked up at him, feeling a sense of wonder and gratitude wash over me. He was holding a spoonful of food, his eyes fixed on mine as he offered it to me. I felt a flutter in my stomach as I opened my mouth, letting him feed me with his own hands.

As I savoured the flavor of the food, I felt a sense of intimacy and connection. It was such a simple act, but it spoke volumes about the depth of his love for me. I felt so lucky to have him by my side, to share this incredible moment with him.

As he continued to feed me, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. It was as if all of my worries and fears had melted away, replaced by a sense of joy and contentment. I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be, with the person I was meant to be with.

Looking back on that moment, I can still feel the warmth of his touch, the tenderness of his gaze. It was a moment of pure love, a moment that I will always cherish. And even though we have faced many challenges since then, I know that our love will always be strong enough to overcome anything that comes our way.

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