Chapter 40

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Zian's pov:

Siya stands in front of the large aquarium in our living room, a small container of fish food in her hand. The water in the tank is crystal clear, and the colorful fish swim lazily around the rocks and plants.

As she sprinkles the food into the water, the fish begin to swarm around her, their fins flapping excitedly

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As she sprinkles the food into the water, the fish begin to swarm around her, their fins flapping excitedly. She giggles as they nibble at her fingers, their tiny mouths sucking up the flakes of food.

I was watching her from the couch, admiring the way the light catches the highlights in her hair. She's always been beautiful to me, but there's something about the way she interacts with the world around her that makes her even more radiant.

As she continues to feed the fish, I notice a sense of peace and calm wash over her. Her eyes are fixed on the tank, and her movements are slow and deliberate. It's as if she's completely lost in the moment, the cares of the world melting away.

For a while, the two of us sit in silence, watching the fish swim back and forth in the tank.

As the last of the food disappears into the water, Siya turns to you and flashes a smile. "That was fun," she says, her eyes sparkling. "I could do that all day."

I nod, feeling a sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures in life. There's something about the way.

We came back in the room as she wants to join a German class, I sit on the edge of our bed, watching Siya as she gets ready for the day. She stands in front of the mirror, brushing her hair and putting on her makeup. I can see the lines of worry etched into her face, the way her eyes seem to droop just a little bit.

As she finishes up and turns to me, I can't help but feel a pang of sadness. I wish she could see herself the way I see her - beautiful and radiant, with a light that shines from within.

I remember the first time I met her, she was looking so cute, I remember the way she had laughed, the way her eyes had sparkled in the moonlight.

I remember the times when she had held my hand when she was scared, I remember the times when she had volunteered at the animal shelter, the way she had cried when she saw a news story about a family in need.

As she walks out the door, I can't help but feel a sense of longing. she truly is - a person who is loved, valued and cherished beyond measure.

After finishing her German class she came towards me exhausted and sat next to me, "Tired," I said and held her hand, "yes a bit, let's go and have, lunch, I'm hungry," she said and we both went to the dining room.

I  sit at the table, watching as Siya brings out the plates of food. The smell of her cooking fills the air, making my mouth water. I can see the sweat on her brow, the way her hair has come loose from its bun.

As she sets the plates down in front of me, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude. I know how much work she put into meals, how long she spent in the kitchen making everything just right.

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