Chapter 41

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Siya' pov:

Zian and I were in the bathroom, getting ready to give our 1-year-old son, Vihaan, a bath. Vihaan was sitting on the floor, playing with his toys and giggling as he splashed water all over the place.

"Are you ready for your bath, little man?" Zian asked, picking Vihaan up and holding him close.

Vihaan smiled and babbled, his chubby arms reaching out to grab at the shampoo bottle on the edge of the tub.

"Okay, let's get started," I said, turning on the water and adjusting the temperature.

As the tub began to fill up with warm, bubbly water, I and Zian worked together to undress Vihaan and get him ready for his bath. I took off his diaper and handed him to Zian, who held him carefully as he stepped into the tub.

"Here we go, buddy," Zian said, lowering Vihaan into the water.

Vihaan's eyes widened in surprise as the warm water enveloped him, but he quickly adjusted and began to splash and play in the tub.

I and Zian worked together to wash Vihaan's hair and body, taking turns pouring water over his head and rubbing soap into his skin. Vihaan giggled and squirmed, his tiny hands reaching out to grab at the bubbles and toys floating in the water.

As I bathed our son, me and my husband talked and laughed, enjoying the simple pleasure of spending time together as a family. I shared stories about my day working in the museum, talked about my plans for the weekend, and reminisced about the early days of our relationship.

Before I knew it, it was time to get Vihaan out of the tub and dressed for bed. I and Zian carefully lifted him out of the water and wrapped him in a fluffy towel, kissing his soft cheeks and tickling his toes as I dried him off.

As I dressed Vihaan in his pyjamas and tucked him into bed, I and Zian exchanged a smile, feeling grateful for the love and joy that our little family brought into your lives.

I walked into the kitchen to find Shourya, and , Pihu, standing face to face. Their arms were crossed, and their eyes were locked in a fierce stare-down. It was hard to suppress a smile as I leaned against the doorframe, curious to see what had sparked this unexpected showdown.

"Come on, Pihu, you can't honestly think that's a better way to chop onions," Shourya exclaimed, his voice tinged with amusement.

Pihu's lips curved into a mischievous grin. "Oh please, Shourya. Your technique is so outdated. This," she lifted the knife in her hand, demonstrating an exaggerated chopping motion, "is the modern way to do it. Quick and efficient!"

I stifled a chuckle as I watched the two of them go at it. Shourya's eyebrows shot up, clearly amused by Pihu's bold declaration. "Efficient, maybe. But have you considered the potential danger? I mean, I've seen action movie scenes less intense than your chopping method."

Pihu rolled her eyes dramatically. "Oh please, Shourya. You're just jealous that I've perfected the art of onion chopping."

Shourya laughed, his deep voice filling the room. "Jealous? Hardly. I've seen your 'art' before. Let's just say, I value my fingers too much to attempt it."

Pihu playfully narrowed her eyes at him. "Afraid you'll lose a finger?"

Shourya mock-gasped, clutching his chest in mock horror. "Me? Never. But I've heard the stories. The legendary onion-chopping accidents of the 21st century. Tragic."

I couldn't help but laugh as their banter continued. It was fascinating how effortlessly they bounced off each other, their words flowing like a well-practiced dance.

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