I. to the end of the world

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"it is hot as the surface of the sun out there." nolan stated, following behind valerie as she walked into the room full of police officers.

"yep, it's going to be like that all week. just be grateful you all finally made the cut of having short sleeves." valerie directed her comment at jackson and lucy as they only just got into short sleeves, whereas nolan was fortunate enough to get them sooner.

lucy, jackson and nolan made their way towards the front of the room, whereas valerie placed herself down in the middle of tim and angela. harper had joined the lapd recently, she was a former detective, she'd received a golden ticket and chosen to become a police officer.

nobody knew why she went from detective to training officer, it was quite questionable as it was a confusing transfer but nobody judged. valerie quite liked harper so far, she was stubborn and closed off. though she was humorous, and easy to get along with, for valerie anyways. harper sat off by herself everyday, instead of sitting with the other training officers.

"i'm just saying. i don't get out of the car for less than a felony." lopez shrugged her shoulders, causing valerie to raise her eyebrow at the conversation the two training officers were having. "when the needle hits 100."

"your commitment to protecting and serving is admirable." tim stated towards lopez with a small smirk.

"as long as i can do it in comfort." lopez let out a small chuckle, followed by valerie.

"period." valerie smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. valerie's eyes caught someone at the front desk and her eyebrow raised in confusion, before she could ask any questions a conversation interrupted her.

"you know the front row's for the rookies, right?" tim spoke up, causing valerie to get distracted from the unknown man at the front desk.

"you hoping i'll sit by you?" harper furrowed her eyebrows at bradford, folding her arms. valerie shook her head at the bickering between the two, it was a daily occurrence. tim thought he was winning, it was clear that he wasn't.

"i'm just telling you how it is." tim shrugged his shoulders.

"the day i need that from you is the day i hang up my spurs." harper shot back before turned her back to the blonde cop. valerie covered her mouth to stop a laugh from rolling off her lips.

"you know you're losing, right?" lopez asked, glancing between tim and harper with a small smile.

"good morning." sergeant grey interrupted the chatter amongst the room of police officers. "we've got ourselves a heat wave. which means what, officer west?"

"studies show that a 1% loss of body mass due to sweating decreases cognitive ability and increases anxiety levels." jackson explained confidently, using his hands to gesture his words.

"translation, tempers will be short, drug and alcohol use is up, so stay hydrated and stay sharp." sergeant grey nodded his head. "now, while the rest of you are baking in the sun, officer nolan will be flop-sweating in his very first preliminary court hearing."

the room fell into a laughter at the statement and nolan sat up straight in his chair. "oh, no flop sweats here, sir. i have reviewed the arrest report repeatedly. i am 100% ready to testify on all the facts."

"hmm. bradford?" sargent grey called out amongst the room. 

"when did you graduate the academy?" tim asked with a dead-serious face, expecting a full answer of the date.

"oh... that was september..." nolan trailed off. clearly he didn't know everything he thought he did.

"exact date, boot." tim stated.

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