IX. perspective

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valerie looked at herself in the mirror of her bedroom. slowly, she lifted her top up, revealing the tattoo that had been plastered across her stomach.

disgust flowed through valerie's body, the sound of the tattoo gun, the sound of lucy calling her name. valerie shook her head, trying to shake the flashbacks out of her head. the way she felt helpless lying on the floor as adam repeatedly kicked her head. the way she climbed inside a barrel with a bullet in her flesh.

valerie shook the thoughts out of her mind, after valerie had awoken, she'd been released from hospital. and finally she had the chance to go back to her normal life, which wasn't so normal. nickolas was officially back undercover, working small jobs to build up the courage after what had happened to his little sister.

nickolas didn't want to take the job, wanting to stay by valerie's side. but valerie had told him he was being silly and that she would be perfectly fine. after a long conversation of convincing, nickolas finally grew the courage to take the job, much to valerie's happiness, who just wanted her brother to do what he loves.

valerie finished covering the tattoo, allowing her top to fall back down. valerie let out a small sigh, just before there was a knock on her bedroom door. "come on, jackson." valerie called out, moving towards her bed where her uniform was laid out for her.

"i brought you your iced-tea and a scone." jackson grinned at the woman who tilted her head at him with a small pout.

"jackson, i'm fine. you don't have to treat me like a princess." valerie shook her head dismissively, but she proudly took the food and drink off jackson.

"i know, valerie. but it's just a small treat. and besides you've let me live here when i had nowhere else to go." jackson shrugged his shoulders.

"'mm." valerie hummed, taking a sip of her iced tea. "that's not why you're making me breakfast every morning." valerie told him, knowing he felt pity for her. "i'm, fine." she nodded her head at him. "seriously, now go get ready for work, my prince."

jackson allowed himself to grin back at valerie once again. "of course. and by the way, you're not a princess, your a queen."


as valerie reached the roll-call room, she hesitated. Last time she had been in that room was right before she was captured, tortured, and nearly murdered. valerie sucked in a deep breath before she walked into the roll-call room.

She was just after taking a small breather in the locker room to prepare herself for the day, the whole room erupted in claps and cheers for the woman.

valerie shook her head, unable to hide the embarrassed smile crawling on her face. valerie took her seat between tim and angela, crossing her arms over her chest as the cheers continued. valerie glared between angela, tim and harper. "i hate you all. and when i die, i will haunt you three for the rest of your lives." valerie mumbled.

the three of them let out chuckles at the woman's sarcasm. tim put his arm around valerie's chair, his hand resting on her shoulder where he patted her comfortingly.

"Welcome back, Officer Barnes. How're you feeling?" Sergeant Grey started from the front of the room, flashing a bright smile towards Valerie. Grey had watched Valerie grow as a women over the years and he treated her like his own. The moment he found out she was missing, he knew he cared for her more than he thought he did.

Everytime a new rookie came in, he was tough on them. He was tough to shape them into better police officers. When Valerie came in, he could already tell the type of person she was. She was a strong woman who had been through a lot, and she was ready for the job. He was proven to be right. And he'd watched Valerie tackle many of hard tasks and jobs. And he admired her for her bravery and courage.

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