V. rosalind dyer

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"at 0500 this morning, guards at central california women's facility prepared prisoner 081316 for transport. rosalind dyer, the most rare of unicorns. a female serial killer. for the last five years, she's been on death row, confined to an 11-by-8 cell. today, she's coming to us. now before i get to assignment details, i want to defer to assistant district attorney del monte for background on miss. dyer. sean?"

sergeant grey finished his speech, leading to the assistant district attorney to step up to the stand. sergeant grey stepped beside him as he stood infront of the room of police officers.

"good morning, everyone." the man spoke, causing the rest of the room to repeat him. "my name is sean del monte. for those of you who are not familiar with this case, in 2015, rosalind dyer was convicted in the torture and mutilation killings of seven individuals."

"but there's evidence that the body count is much higher." detective armstrong added from beside sean.

"in three of those seven murders the bodies were never recovered so now dyer has agreed to show us the location of those three victims." sean announced to the officers.

"excuse me, sir." officer nolan called out from the front of the room. everyone's eyes moved to nolan. "in exchange for what?" nolan asked.

"well, her sentence will be commuted from death to life without parole." sean answered.

"why the hell are we cutting her that break?" tim asked, raising his eyebrow in shock at the statement.

"well, it's not for her." sean answered officer bradford. "it's for the families of those victims. they've been waiting a long time for closure." sean claimed.

"yeah, what about the other families?" detective armstrong asked, gazing over to sean. "the ones that we promised the death penalty? what do we tell them? cause they're calling me."

"just tell them it's above your pay grace, detective." sean told detective armstrong.

"why does she have to come here?" valerie asked, crossing her arms over her chest in her seat. "can't she just tell you where the bodies are?"

"she claims not to know their precise locations. griffith park is over 4,000 acres. dyer says the only way she'll be able to identify the dig sites is by retracing her original footsteps." sean explained to officer barnes.

"sounds like an excuse to get out in the sun, relive her kills." harper spoke up, shaking her head.

"maybe, but she knows if she doesn't lead us to all theee bodies that the deal is off. so..." sean told the room.

"okay, let's get down to it." sergeant grey stated. "first, the station needs to be locked down for her arrival. processing is officially closed for business. all suspects in our holding cells will be shipped to the twin towers."


"pity we haven't been able to ride together, nick." valerie said to her brother as they walked out of the room and through the station which seemed busier than normal as everyone was helping to prepare for rosalind's arrival.

"i guess." nickolas shrugged his shoulders, seeming like he didn't care at all. valerie raised her eyebrow at her older brother.

"i assume you like riding with chen?" valerie asked, to which nickolas only nodded his head. "do you... like chen?" valerie asked, causing nickolas to stop in his tracks.

"my love life is none of your business, dimples." nickolas furrowed his eyebrows and placed his hands on his hips. "i know nothing of yours, so you know nothing of mine."

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