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Bal is shoved into a cell while y/n gets tossed into it. They got captured easily, and the guards were quick to chain y/n's hand into a mask that covered her mouth, rendering her not be able to cast any spells. As Bal uses the wall to not fall, y/n hit's the ground butt first before she falls to her back. As one of the guards enters the password to lock the door, he mutters, "Murderers under his breath. The other guard looks at his coworker. "Wanna get lunch?" The other one pipes up happily. "Yeah, I love lunch."


As the two walk off, Bal glares at them. "You had to put that thing on her, huh? And you take the arm!" He gets no response and he sighs before getting on the ground and helping y/n up. "You all right?" The girl groans at the question, but it is muffled by the metal on her. As the two get up, two different yet familiar voices speak up. "Ballister?" "Y/n?"

The two turn around to see not only the director but Mandy and Iris outside the cell. Bal is the first to speak up. "We're innocent, I swear on Gloreth's name. Please, you can hold a case with me, but let this one go. She's young and from what I know about her, she cares for her queen too much."

Bal rushes to the bars, gripping them with one hand as the three back up. "I don't know how it..." He notices the reaction and speaks much slower. "how it happened." The director sighs, clutching her staff tightly with her fists. "We all saw how it happened. I feel so foolish, and... I trusted you. Our queen believed in you." Bal shrinks at the words of the woman he has admired. "She thought someone like you could be a hero. And it cost her her life."

Iris holds a hand through the bar and places it on y/n's head, who approached the metal while the knight and the Director were talking. "Oh, you poor thing. We finished the investigation... it was a thorn potion that killed her." Y/n makes a noise of surprise. Iris nods. "Yeah, we're confused too. Those are hard to make... you couldn't have made that, you just started potion making." Mandy mutters, "Unless you had a book on it along with a Moon Shard. The queen had a bunch in her room. Ain't that right... y/n?" She asks, her eyes glaring into the young adult. Iris elbows her. "Enough! She would never do that, right?" Iris directs the attention to y/n, who furiously shakes her head. 

Iris nods. "Good to see you're certain. We were able to set a trial for your innocence. Once your name is cleared, we need to press on to the other matter..." Iris looks downcast and Y/N lights up with realization before letting out a muffled. "Oh..." Iris nods. "We need to go now. Chin up, we won't let you stay with that murderer." Y/n tries to argue about the murder part, but the words can't be figured out.

Once Iris is gone, Mandy looks back at y/n. "You honestly think that you'll be deemed innocent in this trial? You know they'll keep pointing fingers at you and if I'm honest? You don't have much evidence to help you out. Way I see it, you either accept defeat or stop whimpering and start fighting. I don't care." Mandy finally walks off, leaving Y/n quietly thinking about her words, feeling the sting from the more experienced witch's words.

The director follows after them, but Bal tries to reason. "Director, please. You know I love the queen. I love the institute. Talk to Goldenloin. Can I speak to Goldenloin?" The director winces at the question and when she sees the arm Bal made to replace his missing one. "He is as heartbroken as the rest of this kingdom." She turns and faces Bal. "You won't be talking to anyone anymore, Ballister."

"Please!" Bal begs, he takes a breath, and speaks in a more calming tone. "Please, just listen to me." The director speaks more calmly, and the two witches come back when they see the director isn't following them. "No. I won't make that mistake again." She looks over at the witches. "As much as the queen was looking forward to this, I'm afraid the treaty between us cannot be done. We will see to it that the young witch will be released into your care. Once done... don't come back."

The knight, the shapeshifter, and the witch (Nimona x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now