The terrifying resolution

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The Director walks down the halls with a calm cool demeanor after telling such a blatant lie she knows her kingdom believes with two knights following, behind. Another knight comes rushing over, a bit panicky. "Ma'am, incoming report from Sir Thoddeus." The woman snaps lightly at this. "And? What is it?"

The conversation is cut short when a tremor is felt throughout the building. The director looks around a bit before going to her balcony, her eyes scanning all around to spot what the cause of the shaking is. The people in the city noticed it and stopped what they were doing, fear and confusion settling in all of them.

Ambrosius quickly goes to work, ordering other knights behind him. "We need barricades on Avenue A through F. And can we clear these streets? These people are in danger." The knights nod and spread out, getting straight to work until a harder thud is felt. Ambrosius stops, his eyes fixed on the barrier to the forest a few meters before him.

A snarl right from the gut echoes past the building, making a chill run up everyone's spine. After a few moments of tense air, black smog leaks past the metal-wired gate, people back up slowly but soon run screaming as blindingly bright eyes like spiders open up, giving light to show the shape of the creature's face.

The creature stands up, towering over the buildings. Its body is made of heavy smog, its thick layer like a cloak as a beating white light in the chest lays somewhat hidden under it. Ambrosius takes a step back as he watches this his face hardening with determination.

The director shakes as she watches the creature rise, her body shaking and her heart ringing in her ears. "It's happening." She mutters to herself before saying it in a more harsher tone. 
"Sound the alarm! Sound the alarm! Hit it with everything we got!" She points her staff at the creature as the knights run into position. An alarm blares through the town as an automated voice is heard. "Monster attack. Monster attack. This is not a test."

The creature shakes its head a bit before its maw opens to let out an ear-piercing roar as it takes steps into the city, crushing some street electronics and people scream and take off. "It's the monster!"

"Everyone stay calm!" Ambrosius orders as the knights aim their weapons at the creature. One of them hits the creature, making it stumble a bit. Its eyes go to the institute, narrowing with a set mind and walking to it.

In a control room, people type furiously on their computers, one of them announcing. "Drones engaged." The small mobile weapons curve past the corner, firing at the back of the creature and setting some of the city in flames. The being roars in pain but continues its path, not easily giving up.

As people run out of the way of the creature, an older woman and child fall to the ground, right where the creature is about to take its next step. Ambrosius gasps and runs over to them. "Look out!" He tries to pull them away until he feels a tug on him and he finds him and the two people he was about to save in the air. He looks up to find Mandy and some other witches holding them.

"You good, Golden boy?" Mandy asks Ambrosius, who slightly nods. The witch continues. "Right. Okay, people! We got orders from Her Majesty! Get any people to safety. Anyone slower goes on the broom!"  The witches pipe up with a yes ma'am and all diverse, letting down some people Ambrosius recognizes from the famous L/n knight family, all going to help and some staying with the witches to help them.

As Ambrosius is on the ground, he hears Todd speaking through the comms. "Hey, Goldie. Watch how a real knight gets it done." He comes zooming in his chariot, his men following behind. "All right, monster slayers! Let's shoot some darts and break some hearts! I'm gonna be a freaking hero-"

"TODD!" A shrill voice catches his attention and he looks at the ground where the knight family is. "Mom?!" He yelps and comes to a halt. He sees something moving and slowly looks up to see the creature glaring down at him. A girly scream leaves him and he bolts the other as the monster opens its maw. "Outta my way! We need more firepower! This thing is gonna kill us all! Mommy!" As he screams, he rams into another knight, spiraling out of control before he hits a board with his face on it.

The knight, the shapeshifter, and the witch (Nimona x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora