Dating Nimona

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-A spontaneous girl in need of chaos with a soft spot for nice gals. What a catch! Always expect something thrilling to do with her, even if it's at home, she wants you two to have fun and let loose.

-While Nimona can shapeshift, she loves her usual punk form, it's what she feels like most of the time, but if there's something special going on with you by her side, she's not one to complain about dressing fancy. Big no on those dresses that are hard to walk around, how is she gonna impress you with her fabulous moves if she can't even have her knees not touching each other?

-Jealousy? Who's that? While she is insecure about a few things, she knows when to step in. She doesn't like making her partner jealous, so a middle ground should be found.

-While she doesn't show it, she is scared of being abandoned. She had so many people turn their backs on her, some more painful than others, so she tried to stick close to you, maybe even holding your hand or an arm over her shoulder.

-PDA is not an issue. Nimona learns your limits and respects them. The minimum she'll go is flirting and complimenting you. She wants people to know that she loves you as you are and is not embarrassed to say it.

-Feel insecure about something? Don't worry, Nimona is your coach and personal cheerleader, ready to prove to you that you can do it! However, don't think she's not gonna show it aggressively as she shows her love and belief for you.

-If you wanna know where to take Nimona to have a good time, make sure there's some excitement to it. The best place is a mosh pit, but if that's too much, a scary movie can do the trick, too. But be ready to make fun of any details she spots in the film.

-While she loves her human form, her shapeshifting is a common thing you'll see throughout the day. If she hasn't changed something for fun for a full day, something's up.

-If you tell her your favorite animal, she's likely gonna take that form more often than before, making sure you're watching her so she can get your attention. 

-On the other hand, if you're scared of a certain animal...she may prank you...unless you have some serious trauma response to it, then she'd be happy to help you if you wanted to get over it. She can be mean but she's not cruel.

-While she's a bundle of chaos, she would never refuse a moment of being a cat on your lap as you pet her...unless she's in too deep of her next scheme.

-Nimona has a love for dangerous weapons, sure, but she'd prefer to keep whatever she's holding away from you. She doesn't want to accidentally poke your eye out, she loves staring into them.

-Kisses are quick and short, more like pecks to the cheek and lips. However, she's not one to complain if you want to get a bit heated, let her know and all her attention is on you.

-If you have a part of your body that you don't like very much...this woman will know. Trust me. She will be all over it, saying how much she loves it, and will hold/kiss/stare at it like it's the most wonderful thing. If she loves you, she loves ALL of you.

-Nimona may not be a smooth-talking pristine lady who has all her thoughts on you, but she knows how to show she loves you whenever she can. And she will make it obvious to anyone, even Todd, that she only has eyes for you.

Salutations and welcome to dating Nimona the shapeshifter!

The knight, the shapeshifter, and the witch (Nimona x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now