Celebration time

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Bal intently watches the computer in his lair, the video evidence he just procured uploading. He finally takes his eyes off the screen when he hears Nimona begging the pair to die in her clutched hands, peering at them for a moment. "Come on, come on!" She tosses the die onto the cardboard base of the board game.

With a whoop, she launches herself on the couch, lying on her side and supporting her head with her arm. "Yes! Let's take that pooch for a walk!" She grabs the small figure of a Scottie with a bone in its mouth, making it bounce high from the board as she counts. "Eight, nine, ten!"

Y/n leans down to see the square the figure landed on, looking back at the rule book. "Um... that's the...enchanted forest!" She confirms, to which Bal playfully hisses as he sits by Nimona. "Which is my domain. Cha-ching! 600 gold, please." He holds his hand out with an expecting smirk. Nimona haughtily laughs at this.

"My Scottie dog will not pay your tyrannical toll! He rallies the oppressed woodland creatures and starts a rebellion!" She pretends to blow a fanfare and turns into an otter. "Squirrels scale the castle walls!" The pinkette turns into a bear as Ball watches with unamusement and y/n with a smile as the shifter continues/ "Bears batter down the gates! Letting chaos ensue!" She bangs her fists on the table, making a mess of the game as she makes random noises and uses a juice box to act like she's dying, slowly falling to the ground with a fake gagging sound slowly diminishing.

After a pause, Bal speaks up. "I'm still taking the 600 gold." With no hint of emotion. Nimona sits up suddenly, clearly upset about this. "What?!"

Bal goes to grab the play money but pulls away in time as Nimona unhinges her jaw and a burst of fire hits the board game, leaving ashes and burn scars on the table.

Bal and y/n stare at the table with wide eyes, one of them having their mouth slightly open. Bal breaks the silence. "...you didn't tell us you could breathe fire."

Nimona has wide eyes, realizing that she revealed something scary to the two, her body droop, and her eyes downcast to the floor. "Oh." She softly hums.

Bal chuckles at this reaction, smiling assurley. "Metal. Best two out of three?" He asks, taking his cards and looking at them. Nimona slowly smiles at this and y/n notices this. "What's up?" The only response the witch gets is a shake of Nimona's  head and a simple "Nothing."

A ding from the computer is heard, and the three rush over to see. Bal reaches the screen first and smiles widely. "Hey, check it out." He calls out to the girls. The views and comments start to increase drastically in just a short amount of time.

"Whoa! A hundred-five hundred-thirty thousand-seventy-five- the whole kingdom is seeing this thing!" Y/n claps her hands once and shoots her up, walking backward. "We did it!"

Bal smirks and leans to Nimona. "Well, I guess there's only one question left." NImona's smile falls to a look of confusion. "What's that?" Bal's face turns into a look of mock snooty, turning his voice teasing. "Can a shark and witch dance?"

Nimona sighs and places her arm on the knight's shoulder, chuckling. "Can a shark a witch dance?" She walks over to y/n, grabs her hand, and twirls the squealing girl before putting her in a low dip while looking Bal in the eyes, her teeth turning shark-like and snapping them. "Watch us."

Bal and a shark Nimona put on sunglasses, smiling at Y/n holding a camera to them. They slide in front of the murder wall and start dancing.

The news about the video is being talked about all around the kingdom with the reporter showing concern as well. "Still reeling from the monster attack, the kingdom is rocked by footage of the Director making a truly shocking confession." The video goes on with one two yet powerful sentences being said. "I framed Ballister. My accomplice Iris and I killed the queens." On different devices, more and more people see this and are left in shock while a certain trio is dancing in victory.

The knight, the shapeshifter, and the witch (Nimona x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now