Get the Squire

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As people go around the market, Nate announces on the news. "After's yesterday's vicious attack on the Institute, our knights have redoubled their efforts in the manhunt of the villain Ballister and his helping witch y/n."

Bal peeks out from a tunnel to see where he is with a cloak draped over him. He sighs once he sees that he's in the clear. and motions y/n to follow him "Okay. We just have to get to the market and find the squire without drawing any at-" Nimona suddenly jumps down on a pile of trash nearby as a cat, knocking everything away. Bal quickly shushes the cat. "Be quiet!" He hisses.

Nimona holds up a bean from her paw as she speaks in a normal tone. "Counterpoint. Your plan sucks, and it's boring." She notices a mouse and catches it. "Where's the drama? The scream of terror?" She goes to eat the mouse, but it slips from her and she glares at it. "We are villains. Embrace it." As Nimona chases the mouse, Bal shakes his head furiously. "No. We are doing things my way this time. No one gets hurt."

This makes Nimona roll her eyes. "I was going for the hurting people version." Bal sighs and pulls out a picture of the squire. "We find the squire and question him."  Nimona swiftly cuts the photo with her claws. "Then hurt him." Bal continues to insist. "No, And then find the proof," Nimona smirks at him. "By hurting him."

Bal clenches his fingers facing up and his cheeks puff out in anger. "No! Can we just get to the market, please?" Nimona transforms back into a person and salutes them. "Roger that. How about we get beautiful here to change our looks." She points at the quiet witch.

Y/n hums. "All right... I can try a minor so it's nothing extreme." She chants something with the same light in her palms appearing in her hands. Instead of her turning into a different person, her face and body disfigure, inflating and shrinking with colors changing all over. The moment it started, it stopped, allowing the girl to breathe heavily, holding a hand to her chest, gasping. "I think I just destroyed and remade every molecule in my body... something feels different." She looks over herself before sighing with relief.

Bal puts his hands on the witch's shoulder and looks deep into her eyes. "Never do that again." Nimona nods. "Yeah, we're going with plan b." At that, dragon wings sprout from her back and she goes to take off. "Next flight leaves in three..." Bal rushes after her, panicking. "No! What are you doing?!" He gets in front of Nimona, holding his cape up in front of her to keep sight of her from other people. He notices he's in front of a man. "Uh- boo! I'm a ghost. Hehehe." He laughs nervously.

Bal quickly turns back to Nimona. "I cannot be seen with that!" Nimona swiftly slaps him before pointing at her scaled wings. "This is quality sidekicking stuff." Bal glares at her. "It's too much." Nimona groans at this. "Oh, unclench your mustache. What's the worst that could happen?" She smiles and y/n gets between them. "Um, how about we think of a compromise, yeah? We can get the squire without drawing attention, but also fun."

Alarms start to blare and the screens show a warning sign. "Monster attack. Monster attack. Seek immediate shelter." People pull out their phones to look at what's going on. A viewing of the director shows up to replace the warning signs. "Citizens of the realm, hello. In light of yesterday's horrific attack on the Institute, we are taking every precaution to keep you safe."

A blaster on the wall rises. "Please do not be alarmed. This is only a test." The director assures them. "Go about your normal lives and rest assured that the Institute has this situation well in hand. Good day and may Gloreth guide you always." As the video ends, a few knights walk around the crowd. "Do not be alarmed. Please remain calm. This is only a test." The knight tells the people. 

Nimona watches them with arms crossed. She opens her mouth and lifts her chin a bit higher. "Oh! A don't be alarmed alarm. Effective." She looks at the knights with an unamused look, her fangs peeking out and Y/n peeking out from behind the pink wing. Bal looks over at the girls. "Don't you get it? The second we let our guard down, something terrible comes over that wall."

The knight, the shapeshifter, and the witch (Nimona x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now